Style spotlight
- Wir wissen, dass der Herbst schon fast vor der Tür steht, aber das hält uns nicht davon ab, dass wir kurzen Shorts und Shirts anziehen!
- Animal prints seems to never go out of style in Hollywood and especially not leopard prints! Grr! Celebrities like Heidi Klum and Olivia Palermo show us over and over again how to pull the trend off. Click on the pics for the best inspo!
- Tiermotivdrucke scheinen in Hollywood niemals aus der Mode zu kommen, besonders nicht die Leopardenmuster! Grrr!
- Rachel Bilson ist eine dieser Fashionistas, die wissen, was man tragen muss um immer absolut fantastisch auszusehen!
- Nicky Hilton is probably one of Hollywood's best dressed celebrities. She's always fierce, stylish and crazy trendy when she's taking the streets as her runway. We spotted her wearing this amazing red leopard dress matched with high Louboutin heels. Do we even have to mention that we want to steal this look, Nicky?!
- Nicky Hilton ist einer der bestgekleidesten Stars in Hollywood - sie sieht immer blendend, stylisch und trendig aus und macht mit ihren umwerfenden Looks die Straßen zu einem Laufsteg.
- Eva Longoria held a speech the other day at an Obama For America Women's Summit event at Miami Dade College in Miami, Florida. As always, she looked absolutely smashing and we love her deep blue dress and cute hair-do. Eva, could you just please learn us how to look that fierce every day?!
- Nicki Minaj is really everything but a wallflower. She's crazy when it comes to fashion, hair styles and styling- and she's not afraid to try on new things! We spotted the star performing in this hot pink tiger pattern jumpsuit wearing denim shorts and a tanktop on top of it. It's not very wearable, but is it hot or not? That's up to you!
- Nicki Minaj ist nun wirklich alles andere als ein Mauerblümchen. Sie ist verrückt, wenn es um Klamotten, Frisuren und Haar-Styling geht - und sie hat keine Angst davor neues auszuprobieren!
- We spotted Lindsay Lohan in a very cowboy inspired look the other day. She was wearing a loose shirt, ripped denim shorts and a large hat- the only thing missing was the cowboy boots! But do you think her look was hot or not? That's up to you!
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