Style tips
- It happens to everybody...
Having a hard time figuring out how to look relaxed, yet work-appropriate?
Here are some ways on how to get the most from your limited items.
- Green in the new color. Fashion at its best. Look at those green dresses, they look absolutely wonderful. No matter what color of skin you have or what color your hair is. Everyone can wear green and look stunning. Just look the beautiful dresses below and of course the people who wear them to. They all look fabulous. Time to do some shopping girls.
- Das ist ein so makelloses Outfit für den Vorfrühling! Nicky Hilton wurde in diesem ausgefallenen Outfit gesehen: sie trug ein einfaches weißes Kleid mit einer Lederweste umd ein paar klobigen Stiefeln - für den gewissen Rock-Einfluss - während sie in Beverly Hills Shoppen war. Wir finden es großartig, wie sich die Weste von dem hübschen Kleid abhebt, ein einfacher Weg um ein Alltagsoutfit aufzupeppen!
- A combination that never seems to go wrong is the combo of black and gold. Especially during award season we see these colors going very well together on dresses worn by the biggest stars. Some of the celebrities who clearly agree with us are Kate Hudson, Selena Gomez and Beyonce since all three of them has been spotted wearing outfits in the two colors. Check out the photos and tells us who you think wore the combo the best!
- Eine Kombination, die scheinbar nie schief geht ist die aus Schwarz und Gold. Besonders in der Zeit der Preisverleihungen sehen wir an den Kleider, die von den größten Stars getragen werden, dass diese Farben sehr gut zueinander passen. Einige der Stars, die uns da sicher zustimmen sind Kate Hudson, Selena Gomez und Beyoncé, denn alle drei wurden schon in Outfits in diesen Farben gesehen. Seht euch die Fotos an sagt uns wem diese Kombi am besten steht!
- We love getting some spontaneous style tips from our fav celebs via Instagram and we just got one from one of the mest frequent celebrities on the popular media community, Kim Kardashian! Kim K showed off one the hottest trends of the season: Stacking bracelets! It's so fab to mix diffrent bracelets and stacking them on each other, preferably in combination with a luxury watch! Watch and learn fashionistas!
- By the looks of the red carpet it seems like the peplum isn’t going anywhere soon! All of Hollywood's it-girls, from Emma Watson to Blake lively are wearing the trend and we know why. Its waist-defining shape flatters the female body in the best way possible so no wonder it’s become such a hit! Click on the pictures for some amazing peplums!
- The summer is here and it's time to hide the dark and black winterwardrobe! Now it's time for a brighter wardrobe and what's better than the big trend every summer, the white pants? Go and buy a pair of white pants and you will not regret it! Look at the pictures and get inspiration of how to combine your pants.
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