- You haven't missed Robert Pattinson's latest Vanity Fair cover, have you? He poses with an alligator for the very talked about march issue and the photos are shot by legendary photographer Annie Leibovitz. The captivating cover isn't the only thing worth mentioning though, Rob's interview inside the magazine is just as interesting!Here are a few tidbits:His thoughts on all the media attention, "It's weird, because people have this one-sided relationship where they look at your picture and feel they know you more than someone they actually know. I don't really know myself that well."What he does in his spare time, "I've just kind of stopped doing everything. I'm just so boring. I never change the channel in my trailer. I just watch reruns of 'House of Payne' and 'Two and a Half Men.' I love 'Cops' - I think it's my favorite TV show. God... I sound like such a loser."How he deals with stress, "I'm, like, a compulsive eater. I'm going to be so fat when I'm older, it's ridiculous. I once wolfed down most of a 40-ounce bag of Pretzel M&M's while reading a book of essays by David Foster Wallace. I had a complete breakdown and literally threw them down the toilet."On his alleged relationship with co-star Kristen Stewart, "Yes. Um. No, not really. It's pretty hard to - it's just very traumatic. Oh, I don't know. She's cool. Even before I knew her I thought she was a really good actress. I still think there are very few girls in her class that are as good as she is. When this is over, he media will lose interest. There'll be nothing to say. It won't fit into a headline anymore. It won't fit into a template."Read the full interview here!
- Die wundervolle Jessica Biel hat heute Geburtstag! Jessicas Karriere begann mit der Serie "Seventh heaven" als sie 14 Jahre alt war und es folgten Filmrollen in "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry", "The A-Team" und "The Rules of Attraction". Wusstet ihr, dass sie nebenbei auch eine talentierte Fotografin ist? Jedenfalls lieben wir sie für ihr strahlendes Lächeln - umwerfend!
- Joe Jonas schlendert derzeit ohne Freundin Ashley Green durch die Straßen von Los Angeles! Sie dreht gerade Breaking Dawn in Kanada zusammen mit dem Rest der Twilight Besetzung und ihr wisst, was das bedeutet - Zeit, ihn sich zu schnappen! Nein Scherz, natürlich nicht - außerdem ist er sowieso von seinen Freunden umzingelt. Unsere Bilder sind von heute Morgen und er frühstückt gemeinsam mit seinen Kumpels.
- Today is the lovely Jessica Biel's birthday! Jessica's career began when she was fourteen years old in the series Seventh heaven and later had film roles in movies like "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry", "The A-Team" and T"he Rules of Attraction". Did you know that she also is a talented photographer? Anyway, we think she should be better known for her smile, as you see in these pics. Stunning!
- Wow, Lady Gaga made an appearance on the runway in Paris Fashion Week, where her friend Nicola Formichetti gave his first showing for Ready To Wear as the Creative Director for the house of Mugler! The show was exciting enough, but the real action happened outside! As soon as word got out Lady Gaga was in town, fans stormed the streets and caused total chaos as she tried to get in her car after the show. The fans really are as crazy as she is!
- Joe Jonas is roaming the streets of Los Angeles without his girlfriend Ashley Greene at the moment! She is filming Breaking Dawn in Canada with the rest of the Twilight cast and so you know what that means - its time to go catch him! Just kidding! He is surrounded by his friends anyway! Here they all are having breakfast this morning.
- This week, we opened a special Starplaza shop called Windows on the World, and we're excited to launch the shop with some super hot Brazilian designs!
- Justin Bieber Fans würde wirklich alles tun, um ein Stück von ihrem Idol zu bekommen - das ist der reine Wahnsinn! Neben dem Verkauf von Nail Polish, was ja eigentlich schon schräg genug ist, wurde nun Justins Haar an Ellen Degeneres weitergegeben, um es in einer Ebay-Auktion für wohltätige Zwecke zu verkaufen. Nur eine Haarsträhne von Justins Haar, die beim letzten Friseurbesuch draufging, wurde für 40.668 Dollar verkauft - kaum zu glauben!
- Meow! Check out the latest Viral Video!
- Check out the latest viral video!
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