- Könnt ihr erraten, wen dieses Mädchen gestern Abend live auf der Bühne sehen wollte? Wir kennen nur einen Star, der Fans mit solcher Hingabe hat und wir meinen nicht die Twilight-Fans! Es geht natürlich um Justin Bieber!
- "The Hills"-Star Kristin Cavallari hat sich stark verändert gegenüber der fiesen Zicke, die wir aus der Serie kennen! Wusstet ihr, dass sie ihre eigene Charity hat?! Sie heißt "One Kid One World".
- Hier haben wir die Bestätigung, dass die Gerüchte über Probleme im Twilight-Paradies absolut nicht stimmen! Erst feierte die gesamte Crew Kristen Stewarts Geburtstag in der letzten Woche und jetzt verwöhnt sie ihr "echter" und Film-Freund mit unerhört. Er kaufte ihr zum Spaß ein Motocross, aber das echte Geschenk war viel romantischer.
- As we told you over the weekend, The Hills star Audrina Patridge has finally launched her own reality TV show and it includes her entire family! Watch out Kardashians, here comes serious competition! The Patridge girls are all really hot too! We can't wait to see if they are as entertaining! Here is the trailer below. The mom is going to be our favorite, just wait!
- Ohhhh, das ist zu süß, um es in Worte zu fassen! Die beiden Stars von Harry Potter Bonnie Wright und Jamie Campbel Bowerl waren das süßeste neue Pärchen 2010 und in diesem Jahr sind sie bereit, ihre Beziehung noch fester zu schnüren!
- These two girls have completely different body types, but they still rocked this blue sparkly mini dress by Karen Zambos Vintage Couture in their own unique ways! Singer Brandy has a long, boyish body and Jennifer Stone is all curves. Who do you think wore it best?
- Ladies get your short shorts out and hit the streets in your mini-dresses, the sun is up! Well at least in LA anyway! Here are some of what the fashionistas of celeb-world wore on the streets this week! As usual, some looked amazing like Rosie Huntington Whiteley and others, well not so much! Georgia May Jagger looks like an orphan!
- Okay you guys are good at these kind of quizzes, so here comes a bit more difficult then you are used to! This requires that you have really good knowledge of celebrities! There's a clue on every pic and on the last one you can see all the correct answers. And while you´r guessing, don't forget to enjoy the shoes of course!
- Get your Spring/Summer inspiration right here, straight from the stars who know that they are doing. These ladies blended some classics, added some funky touches of their own and are bringing fashion forward in everything they do, whether its for an interview like Eva Longoria, or just a walk on the street like Whitney Port!
- They all have a personal style and is not afraid to experiment and try out new trends. Sometimes they dazzles the us with their beauty on the red carpet, and sometimes they'r really hot also in their ordinary clothes. What do you prefer, the stars a bit more relaxed style or their red carpet style?
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"