- Clueless-Schauspielerin Alicia Silverstone hat einen kleinen Jungen geboren, den sie (komischerweise) Bear Blu genannt hat. Ähm.... ok... Wir freuen uns sehr für Alicia und ihren Ehemann, aber fragen uns schon, was der Name soll. Noch jemand hier, dem es so geht...? (People)
- With the days getting warmer and warmer; easy, no-fuss hairstyles become a Summer Must! We think the easiest hairstyle EVER is the ponytail. But beware! Donning a ponytail as your do' is so simple but it can also look completely frumptastic. We've taken cues from some of our favorite fashionistas on how to make sure we're rocking a truly fabulous ponytail!
- Besides Donald Trump's laughable campaign for President, he's not that bad of a guy. Well kinda...Every year lovebirds Heidi Klum and Seal renew their wedding vows, which is soooo sweet! This year they really wanted to go to Mexico for their May 10 wedding date, but due to the recent crime in Mexico they had to look for another romantic getaway. The Donald was more than happy to lend Heidi and Seal his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach for their party! Even though Donald can't attend the party, it was pretty nice of him to let them borrow his Club! Congrats Heidi and Seal on six years of marriage!
- We spotted pregnant actress Jessica Alba taking a cooking class in West Hollywood yesterday! The soon to be mom of two is probably making the effort to be a more hands on parent, and the first thing on her to-do list seems to be learning to cook home made meals for her family! Naw!Jessica wasn't thrilled to see the paparazzi barge in on her cooking class, but honestly, she sort of only has her self to blame. Why pick a cooking school with windows facing the streets if you're a celebrity? That's just asking for it!
- It was a star studded red carpet at the "Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" world premiere to say the least. The premiere was held at Disneyland in Anaheim, California, and everyone from Aerosmith rocker Steven Tyler to High School Musical star Ashely Tisdale showed up! The movie's new lead actress, Penelope Cruz looked dazzling and dramatic in a black feathery lace dress and Johnny Depp didn't exactly disappoint either.There was no sign of vicious model mermaids Gemma Ward & Megan Fox, but the more friendly mermaid, Astrid Berges-Frisbey really gave Penelope a run for her money in a dreamy blush dress.Aah, the public premiere really can't get here fast enough!
- When we spotted actress sisters Dakota Fanning and Elle Fanning arrive at LAX the other day, it struck us just how much they resemble Olsen twins Mary-Kate and Ashley! Have you thought it too? The four of them all have round and sweet faces, pale skin and blonde hair. But the resemblance doesn't stop there. They all have a wicked sense of dressing too. Just check out Elle's light blue Alexander Wang tote, Dakota's hip sunglasses and not to forget all of their dreamy signature Louis Vuitton luggage! The Fannings are definitely a sister duo worth keeping an eye on.
- Der rote Teppich strotzte nur so vor Stars bei der Premierenfeier von "Pirates Of The Caribbean: Fremde Gezeiten". Die Weltpremiere fand in Disneyland in Anaheim, Kalifornien, statt und von Aerosmith-Rocken Steven Tyler bis zum "High School Musical"-Star Ashley Tisdale waren alle da!
- Can you believe that some of the hottest stars used to look way awkward? It makes us feel a lot better about our yearbook photos (which are hidden and will REMAIN hidden!) But seriously, what a transformation these ducklings made- they're super sexy now. xoxo
- Wir wussten, dass es nur eine Frage der Zeit war, bis Kim Kardashian einen Nachfolger für ihr erstes Parfüm "Kim Kardashian by Kim Kardashian" präsentieren würde. Nun ist es also soweit!
- Wir sahen die schwangere Schauspielerin Jessica Alba gestern bei einem Kochkurs in West Hollywood! Die werdende Mutter möchte wahrscheinlich als Elternteil noch besser werden und die erste Stelle auf ihrer To-Do-Liste ist wohl zu lernen, wie man für seine Familie kocht!
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"