- Liebe Dollies,
zum Thema Cybermobbing und Mobbing wird von der Theaterproduktion Köln zur Zeit ein tolles Theaterstück aufgeführt, von dem ich wuch gerne berichten möchte. Ich finde das Thema sehr wichtig, den viele wissen gar nicht, was sie für einen Schaden anrichten können, wenn man hässliche und gemeine Dinge zu anderen sagt, oder wenn man einfach wegschaut.
- We've noticed some pretty big similarities between Justin Bieber and Justin Timberlake. Like, we're pretty sure that Justin Bieber will be JT one day! Click on the photos and see how The Biebs is inspired by JT when it comes to girlfriends, style, and stage performance!
- Both Justin Bieber and Ryan Gosling are from Canada, both are hot in their own way, and both are very talented! So the question is: who is hotter? We'll admit that we're leanin' towards Ryan, but to each his own! Click on the pics to see more of Canada's two hottest celebs and let us know who makes your heart beat faster!
- Rihanna sollte eigentlich in Malmö, Sweden letzte Nacht auftreten, aber ihr Konzert wurde abgesagt, denn sie hat plötzlich die Grippe bekommen und musste ins Krankenhaus gebracht werden.
- Twilight stars Nikki Reed and Jackson Rathbone attended 6th Annual International Rome Film Festival on Sunday night, and they looked really hot! The premiere for Breaking Dawn: Part One is just weeks away and the stars are circling the globe promoting it! We can't wait! Click on the pics to see how stunning Nikki and Jackson looked on the red carpet!
- Earlier this year Madonna announced that she is recording a new album! We are so excited about this news, it's epic! It was recently announced that the first single will be called, "Give Me All Your Love" and will feature Nicki Minaj and M.I.A. Madonna will perform her new song at the Super Bowl in February, we can hardly wait! (madonnatribe)
- "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri is one of the official tracks for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part One. The music video just released and it's amazing! We know all you Twilight fans are going to love it!
- Wir haben ma wieder etwas schönes für euch! Mein erster Blog Wettbewerb für euch!
- While Western market places might be too tame for her, Lady Gaga is gaga for the Orient ones! She's currently in India for a scheduled performance at the after-party of the inaugural Indian Grand Prix on Sunday, and she's making the most of her spare time by soaking up the culture. We spotted her shopping at the Dilli Haat handicrafts market in New Delhi yesterday and she did not leave empty-handed!
- Einige unserer Lieblingspromis hatten wirkliche Bad Hair Days! Ihr denkt vielleicht, dass Brad Pitt immer sexy aussieht, aber das ist FALSCH! Brad Pitt, obwohl er einer der heißesten Promis ist, sieht manchmal wie ein alter verrückter Höhlenmensch aus! Klickt auf die Bilder und seht euch die schrecklichen Haare an!
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"