- Erwischt! Und zwar Georgina Sparks in West Hollywood! Was macht sie in der Upper East Side? Oh, es ist nur Michelle Trachtenberg!
- Schauspielerin Amanda Seyfried ist einer der hübschesten Menschen überhaupt. Ihre blonden Haare und ihr puppenhaftes Gesicht sind beneidenswert schön und sie scheint zudem auch noch eine so nette Person zu sein!
Hi zusammen! :)
Mir ist aufgefallen, dass im Herbst viele zu sehr nudigen und bräunlichen Make-Up-Farben greifen - aber auch mit 'fröhlicheren' Farben kann man schöne, passende Looks zum Herbst kreieren! Eines davon möchte ich euch nun vorstellen! :]
- Die Glee Schauspielerin Lea Michele ist auf dem besten Wege, ein großer Star zu werden - sie bekam zum Beispiel vor kurzen ihre eigene schwarze Balenciaga Tasche, was zur Zeit die Promi-Tasche schlecht hin ist.
- While we love winter for it's cozy snowfall, hot cocoa, and lazy days snuggling under a blanket, we kinda hate it too! It can be so hard to accessorize in the winter when the first priority is just staying warm. And unless you have the coat wardrobe of Blair Waldorf, chances are your winter wardrobe is pretty limited.Thankfully we have hats and gloves and scarves to play with! One of our favorite accessories is the scarf, it comes in all kinds of fun colors, patterns, and materials. We really love big, chunky knit scarves, but we're also kind of crazy for sheer, patterned scarves! We must have over 50 different scarves! Click on the pics to see how our fave celebs bundle up and stay warm!
- Einer unserer deutschen Lieblingspromis auf dem roten Teppich ist Nora Tschirner. Sie sieht eigentlich immer umwerfend gut aus, aber manchmal geht es mit den Outfits auch daneben.
Hallo Leute
Ich hab jetzt mal wieder ein Umstyling für euch und ich hoffe einen viel besseren als die anderen die ihr doof fandet.
- e're just crazy about polka dots! We think they're the most feminine yet quirky pattern out there and they're a nice change from the usual stripes we've been seeing everywhere! Click on the pics and check out our favorite celebs who've gone dotty!
- We're constantly impressed by Reese Witherspoon's amazing fashion sense! She can wear anything and she always looks great! We love how she keeps her style so casual with jeans, skirts, and cardigans, but she always adds a special touch to make the outfit stand out. She has impeccable taste, especially in handbags, and we think she's just amazing! Click on the pics to check out Reese's top ten street style looks!
- If you want to go glam this Fall, think shades of gold and bronze! We love metallics, especially the warmer golden tones for both makeup and clothes, and apparently Drew Barrymore does to! We spotted Drew in this amazing bronze sparkling top with golden accessories and it was just so spot on!
How To Get The Look:
- We love Drew's top! It brings some light and sparkle to the dark days of Fall! You can find a similar top at Topshop
- If you're going to a lot of parties this Fall then leave your regular black pants at home and go for a pair with a shiny fabric, like satin. We found a simple but chic pair at H&M
- Remember that it's the small details that make an outfit! So don't forget to match your belt with your top. A simple black belt with a golden (not silver!) buckle is all you need and you can find it at Topshop
- Make sure to not over do it when you wear gold or bronze, keep your shoes simple. We love how Drew went with a pair of grey heels instead of the classic black, it still made a statement but subtly! Get yourself a pair of grey suede heels at ASOS
- We love big jewelry! In this case a big pair of gold earrings is the perfect complement! We saw this gold pair, which you could easily match with other outfits at Topshop
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