- Wir lieben auffällige Ketten, mit dem Accessoire kann man strahlen und jedes Outfit aufpeppen! Gerade wenn man eher entspannter gekleidet ist, bietet sich eine große Kette an. Promis wie Blake Lively lieben diesen Trend besonders!
- Oh this is some really heartbreaking news people... Heidi Klum is going to file for divorce from Seal! They were the last couple we expected to get divorced. This comes as a shock as the couple, who married May 2005, are famous for renewing their vows every year on their anniversary in a lavish ceremony and they also have three biological kids togheter. The always seemed so happy and we would never thought that it would turn out this way. Never!It's always sad when marriages comes to an end... This is one Hollywood divorce story that will make many of us genuinely sad. (nydailynews)
- Guten Tag:)Heute habe ich wieder ein paar Outfits für Non-SS mitgebracht:
- Wir sahen wir wunderbare Schauspielerin Ella Rae Peck am Set von 'Gossip Girl' in Manhattan. Sie ist wirklich süß und wir lieben ihr rotes Outfit. Willkommen bei GG, Ella!
Hi zusammen!
Heute möchte ich euch eines meiner Lieblings-Make-Ups vorstellen, welches a.) schnell geht, für welches man b.) nicht viele Lidschatten braucht und c.) womit man meiner Meinung nach alles andere als Durchschnittlich ausschaut.
- As many of us know, the music legend Etta James sadly passed away this Friday after a battle with leukemia. Beyonce released a statement Friday afternoon via Los Angeles Times in response to the death of legendary singer Etta James, whom she played in the 2008 movie Cadillac Records.“This is a huge loss, Etta James was one of the greatest vocalists of our time. I am so fortunate to have met such a queen. Her musical contributions will last a lifetime.”She continued:“Playing Etta James taught me so much about myself, and singing her music inspired me to be a stronger artist,” she continued. “When she effortlessly opened her mouth, you could hear her pain and triumph. Her deeply emotional way of delivering a song told her story with no filter. She was fearless, and had guts. She will be missed.”That was a beautiful statement! And yes Beyonce, Etta James will be missed but also remembered forever (perezhilton).
- Rapper Nicki Minaj is reportedly working on releasing her own clothing line! Minaj is now setting her sights on making a bigger mark in the fashion industry, she has already landed her own pink shade of M.A.C. lipstick and will share her favorite nail polish colors in her upcoming line for OPI and now she's set to channel her one-of-a-kind style sense into her very own clothing collection! Her manager sais that he going to “to negotiate a deal with a fashion house so Ms. Minaj can sell her own line of clothes".We are so excited to see what she has in store for her clothing line! We guess it will be very colorful and barbie-inspired! (cocoperez)
- Glee-fans listen up! Yesterday afternoon we spotted Glee-star Lea Michele Sarfati (Rachel) with an engagement ring on her left finger after filming a scene with her newly cast two of Glee. So, we guess we all know Rachels answer to Finn's proposal? Well, let's just hope that this is not some trick to get attention to the show and that she is screwing with us all! (perezhilton)
- Rachel Zoe was spotted shopping in Beverly Hills, carrying her her two great loves: her baby boy Skyler and her thigh high Brian Atwood boots - which she helped design. Let's push aside the rule 'never wear anything twice', if we had those boots we'd wear them to bed!
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