- Is it finally time for a royal baby? It's almost been one year since Prince William and Kate Middleton said "I do" and we're all on baby bump watch with Kate. It's been said that Kate and Will have started making family-friendly renovations on their Kensington Palace home. They want to be super prepared for a little royal! They've put off major travel plans and are going to instead focus on starting a family. We can't wait for a little prince or princess! (people)
- Having bad eyesight has never been more trendy! Big nerdy glasses or small elegant spectacles? We love them all, and celebrities dotoo. A-Listers like Jennifer Garner and Johnny Depp are rarely seen without their cool glasses. Click on the pics and see them all!
- Wir haben Heidi Klum gesehen, die nun offiziell die Scheidung von ihrem Mann Seal gestern nach drei Monaten Trennung eingereicht hat, wie sie ihre Söhne vom Karateunterricht in Brentwood abgeholt hat.
- Der heißeste Trend der Frühlingssaison 2012 ist Zitronengelb! Online Shops haben die sonnige Farbe in Kleidung, Schuhen und Accessoires im Sortiment...wenn ihr euch also traut, dann ist Gelb DIE Farbe der Saison!
- Even though it's spring, Rachel Zoe is dressed in all black. We love her top and pants combo, but the heels look really hard to walk in. Maybe not for Rachel, though! This look totally rock chic and we love it!
- Die Königin und die Prinzessin des Pops könnten sich möglicherweise ein weiteres Mal zusammenschließen und zusammenarbeiten! Denn über Twitter stehen die beiden in Kontakt und FLIRTEN sogar miteinander!
- Die DSDS Top 5 steht fest. Nach dem Rauswurf von Kristof, sind nun noch Joey, Luca, Daniele, Jesse und das einzige Mädchen Fabienne übrig. Heute geht es in die nächste Runde.
- Of course Ryan Gosling is not only the hottest guy ever, but he's also a hero! The other day he was in New York when a woman, Lauren Penny, started walking across the street. Ryan instantly pulled her back to the sidewalk because a car went whizzing by! She would've been hit by a car! Lauren is from London and wasn't used to looking the other way for cars, thankfully Ryan was there! Wow! What a good, amazing and great guy! (celebitchy)
Hey Stardolls !
Nach einer etwas längeren Pause durch Schulstress und Non-ss geht es jetzt mit dem 80er Jahre Teil meiner Reihe weiter.
- We're huge fans of Easter and everything about it, and apparently celebs like Rihanna and Beyonce love this holiday too, since they're all dressed up like Easter eggs. Well, inspired by Easter eggs at least. Click on the pics and see which celebs the Easter bunny might fill his basket with this year!
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