- Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield were together in Tokyo recently and we love them! Don't you think they're adorable? Emma and Andrew meet while shooting The Amazing Spider-man and have been a couple ever since. Go, Emma and Andrew!
Heute habe ich für euch wieder ein Umstyling mitgebracht.
Diesmal ist es Hexsana. Ich habe Sie diesmal auch selber gefragt ob sie das möchte.
- Reich und berühmt sein spielt keine Rolle, wenn man Spaß in Themenparks hat. Wir haben 6 Promis wie David Beckham und Reese Witherspoon gesehen, wie sie ihr inneres Kind herausließen und Spaß in Disneyland hatten! Klickt auf die Bilder und seht, was sie taten!
Huhu ihr Lieben,
Ihr seit Morgens immer so müde?Und wollt mal was anderes trinken als Kaffee?Kann ich verstehen :).Nimmt euch Zeit und schmeißt euch eine Einkaufsliste an:
Hay liebe Leser,
Heute möchte ich ein weiteres sehr wichtiges Thema ansprechen, es geht um Mobbing.
Ich will euch ein paar Tipps geben, was ihr gegen Mobbing machen könnt:
- Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux is really one of our favorite couples in the celebrity world. They seem so down to earth, and best of all- so deeply and happily in love! And now rumor has it the couple has finallt decided to tie the knot, in the near future! "I've never been happier", Justin recently stated.The couple was spotted out and about in Paris together earlier this week where they held hands and Jen really was glowing. And sources reveals that they're in fact looking for engagement rings in the city of love! "Jen didn't want to get engaged right after Brad and Angie but now when it's been a while since they did, she's all up for it!", the source claims. Whatever they decide to do, we really hope they're happy together! (celebitchy)
- After 12 years of marriage Courteney Cox and David Arquette filed for divorce earlier this week. They've both decided to do it without a lawyer, but get this! The couple does not have a prenup, which means that everything they earned during the 12 years they were together is going to be divided 50/50! Uh-oh, Courteney! During the last years of "Friends" Courteney pulled in a fortune, and now David could be entitled to half of it. Reportedly she's worth about $75 mil and he's "only" worth $18 mil. Watch out, Courteney, this can be big troubles coming up! (tmz)
- Gesichtet! Kate Bosworth im Ethno Muster Trend! WIr haben die Schauspielerin auf dem Weg zu einem Meeting in Los Angeles gesehen und sie trug dieses super süße afrikanische Kleid. Wir lieben die Ethno Muster und sie weiß wie man es trägt.
- Summer is the perfect time to dress romantically and our favorite item right now is a mid-length sheer skirt. It's perfect during warm summer days or hot party nights out, and it's cute in all colors! We've spotted actresses Ali Larter, Olivia Palermo and Kate Bosworth rocking the mid-length skirt, so click on the pics for a closer look and further inspiration!
- Summer is here, which means that we will spend a lot of time outdoors. We always see our fave celebs rocking serious shades and now it's our turn. We've listed 6 different shades you can wear this summer, click on the pics and spot your fave.
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