- Money is power and all that- but what do the really rich and famous celebrities think about their stash? Mariah Carey knows she is wealthy, but there is something about the poorer lifestyle that appeals to her, and Beyonce admits what she'd NEVER do on a date! Click on the pictures to read top 10 crazy and sometimes stupid celebrity quotes on wealth and cash!
- Celebrities aren't always as perfect as they might seem... Well, especially NOT when it comes to their make-up! We're all trying to cover up the dark circles under our eyes every single morning, but sometimes the celebs go a little too hard on the concealer. We think Nicole Kidman, Selena Gomez and actress Isabelle Adriani should consider getting new make-up artists, or simply learn how to put on their concealer right! Click on the pics and learn by their mistakes!
- Ist es endlich soweit?! Französischen Berichten zufolge sind Brad Pitt und Angelina Jolie bereit sich an diesem Wochenende, am 11. August, in ihrem französischen Chateau Miraval, das Ja-Wort zu geben.
Na Schönheiten?
Der Wunschaugust geht in die zweite Runde. Dennoch muss ich euch mitteilen, dass das nächste Tutorial nicht wie gewohnt am Montag erscheint, sondern ausnahmsweiße am Dienstag. Leider bin ich am Wochenende nicht zu Hause und habe somit auch keine Zeit, mir die Nägel zu machen :/
- The weekend is almost here and we are in the mood for some movie love! We don't know why but we looooove movies that always bring tears to our eyes. Therefore we give to you six sad but oh-so-good love stories! "Blue Valentine" is bound to make you weep and "P.S. I Love You" has both tears and laughter included! Click on the pictures to see all sad romantic movie tips!
Hi ihr Lieben,
leider hab ich nach wie vor Probleme beim Einbinden neuer Bilder, deswegen muss dieser Blogpost auch so ziemlich ohne Bilder auskommen. Ich hoffe ihr verübelt mir das nicht. :)
- Is this finally it?! According to French reports Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are all set to tie the knot this weekend at their French chateau, Miraval, on August 11. "Everyone in town is talking about it; in Correns [the small village near Miraval], it's common knowledge that the wedding is happening soon", a source reveals. But meanwhile, another French source says that they WON'T say I do this weekend, but it will happen pretty soon: "The wedding is definitely going to be soon. My brother is on the construction crew that's been remodeling Miraval and he says the renovations are definitely for the upcoming wedding and that everything is almost finished". Aww, we're so happy for the couple, and we guess it'll be a magical night! (x17)
- Long before One Direction stepped into our lives, we were all about the famous boyband Backstreet Boys! They've been in the spotlight for years, but they've changed a lot since the time they once got famous. But how did it all start and what are they up to nowadays? We've taken both a walk down memory lane, and found out what they're up to today! Click on the pics and read what we came across!
- We have been through one too many hurtful break-ups to know that they should be done eye to eye. But it is not always that easy to do, just ask these stars! Britney Spears, Kim Kardashian and Jessica Simpson all ended their relationships and got dumped via text messaging! Click on the pictures to see more celebrities who took the easy way out!
- Nicky Hilton ist einer der bestgekleidesten Stars in Hollywood - sie sieht immer blendend, stylisch und trendig aus und macht mit ihren umwerfenden Looks die Straßen zu einem Laufsteg.
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