Hey Stardolls !
Hier habe ich ein Umstyling von 1.GD für euch.
Halli-Hallo Leute,
Nach langer, langer Zeit schreib ich auch mal wieder. Zu viel Schulstress und sowas. Kennt ihr bestimmt alle :) Ich hab heute mal wieder 3 Beispiele Für euch. Dazu dann noch als kleines Extra: mich. Ich habe mir nämlich auch eine Frisur gebastelt. :) Also, viel Spaß!
- Hey dolls, I’m Zoe and I am a new writer for the Stardoll Magazine. I love fashion and whilst flicking through my favourite fashion magazines, I continuously came across a trend that I have fallen in love with – the leopard print trend.
Animal prints seem never to go out of style and the leopard print in particular can add a unique and stylish touch to any look. By adding a leopard print accessory such as a scarf, bag or a pair of heels, you can transform a plain outfit into something more fashion forward and exciting. Adding a leopard print scarf to a simple white vest top and jeans will give you a chic casual daytime look while adding a pair of leopard print heels to a simple black dress will give you a gorgeous outfit for a night out in seconds.
When it comes to leopard print, my advice is simple – one piece of leopard print per outfit. Do not over do this look by wearing too much of the print. Instead, choose one piece or accessory and work the look! Think neutral colours such as black, beige, white or go risky with red.
Images from: Florde Maria Fashion
Are you or your medoll sporting this trend?
And what do you think of the leopard print trend – hot or not?
Guten Tag:)
Stardoll hat mal wieder eine Neuerung eingeführt.
Absofort können Royalty Mitglieder ihre eigenen Filme drehen. Der Preis für den Spaß liegt bei 12 stardollars, jedoch hat stardoll für eine Woche einen Probierpreis von 3sd eingeführt
Hey Leute ich habe heute wieder mal ein Umstyling fuer euch diesmal mit edona.Bocaj.
Hey Stardolls!
All you Royalty's out there may know that "Starmovie" is out for beta for you to check out and experiment, and publish!
Here's a sneakpeak for those who can't see it!
Credit to:
As you can see, the movie is blank and I haven't started recording it, but you have a dressup room where you can dress up your friends or your celebrities, or maybe even you!
You can pick things from your furniture and storage, and clothes, and interiors for a background!
As soon as you start moving your doll, or moving anything, it starts recording automatically, fun or what?!
Hello readers! If any of you are stuck on finding new ways to make your suites look outstanding, I've found a few people that are just filled with creativity when it comes to decorating their suites.
As always, please don't copy what you see. Be creative and original. That's what makes you, YOU! There's no harm in looking at what people have come up with though.
When I came across these rooms, I was absolutely astonished and definitely inspired to do much more with some of my own rooms. Aren't these suites lovely?
(hair salon)
(collection room)
(chic apartment)
Hi Ich bin's stupsi_girl
Ich war lange Zeit nicht da sorry . Aber ich hatte Schule und so. Für meinen neu Anfang hab ich für euch ein Umstyling gemacht mit taylorswiftherz. Ich hoffe es gefällt euch. Und bitte sagt am Schluss ob es euch gefallen hat oder nicht. Danke
Hallo liebe Leser
In ein paar Wochen sit Halloween, deshalb hier ein passendes Make Up Tutorial.
Hey Stardolls !
Ich habe ein Umstyling für abigail68 gemacht. (Sie hat übrigens am 11. Geburtstag ;D)
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