That famous Stardoll logo is catchy and memorable, It's been around ever since my very first day on this website in 2007. I've noticed that with so many members many users become intimidated and choose to keep this game only to themselves, and not really open to meeting new people on this website.I cannot recommend it enough to sending a few strangers messages on here and getting to meet new people. Why? You're able to safely communicate with others from all over the globe, and even learn about their culture & personalities just by a few clicks of a keyboard!
- Internetbeziehungen gibt es heutzutage in jedem Netzwerk. Ob in Facebook, Myspace oder hier in Stardoll – die Liebe findet wohl immer einen außergewöhnlichen Weg. Wozu gibt es also noch zahlungspflichtige Partnerbörsen?
- Wie der Name schon sagt habe ich Schuhe gefunden die fast genauso aussehen wie die schuhe von antidote! Aber die schuhe die Nachgemacht sind , sind von Velvet Orchid.
Hey readers, it's been a long time without a Lookbook post from me, so here's a look I found just recently from the stunning XFashion-LoverX:
- Not long ago on the 20th of February it would have been the 45th birthday of the amazing Kurt Cobain (Singer and guitarist from the band Nirvana) so this inspired me to make this post about the wonderful era that was the 90's!
I truly love Photography. It is my Passion! If you love photography, then keep on reading!
Fake-Accounts, wer kennt sie nicht? Ob in Facebook, Schülerprofile oder Stardoll - es gibt sie bekanntlich wie Sand am Meer.
Hinter Fake-Accounts steht der User nicht mit seiner realen Identität. Oftmals werden sogar Prominente oder Fotomodels nachgeahmt.
Hello dolls
This post is not about promoting anorexia or morbidly thin looks however it is about promoting that we all become more conscious about our health and healthy living. Here are a few simple ways :
Guten Tag,
die einen lieben sie, die anderen hassen sie: Castingshows. Eine der erfolgreichsten Castingsshows Deutschlands, nämlich Deutschland sucht den Superstar
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"meisenberg
Beitrag: "♥Shoppingtipp♥ (3)"