- hawiianbody
- Hello everyone! So, I've noticed another really cute trend sweeping Dollywood. Not wigs, closed eyes, or pink hair. BUT- a very very basic, simple, but classic trend. Basic StarDesign Items! When I type that, I mean one colored tops, pants, and dresses. Thankfully, if you lack StarDesign skills like me, this really lets you get the most out of the newly designed StarDesign. Here are some must have creations you can only find in the StarDesign:
- hawiianbody
- dizzylizzylou
- Renowned throughout the ages for classic elegant style, Greece is the home of GiotaRocker, a Grecian beauty who takes style to a new and exciting level. Her traditional beauty is accented by a fluid fashion sense that keeps her style vibrant, new and unique. Avoiding cookie cutter fashions in favor of personalized pizzazz, she is an advocate for individualism in style and life.
- dizzylizzylou
- sparklewand12
- Recently one of my favourite trends that I've seen in real life is dip-dying your hair! For those of you who haven't heard of this or seen this, it's basically when you dye your hair a different colour, but only dye the ends of it - looking like you have literally dipped the ends of your hair in the dye!
- sparklewand12
- MandaMichalka
Hey Leute,
heute will ich euch eine Farbe, passend zum Frühling, vorstellen.
Softpink ist eine sehr zarte Farbe die leicht ins Hellbraune variieren kann.
- MandaMichalka
- Jody_Cailin
Hallo liebe Leser,
Heute zeige ich euch ein paar Halsketten, die es auf Stardoll zu kaufen gibt, welche von Stars getragen worden sind:
- Jody_Cailin
- Amzyness1290
- So as you can probably tell the topic of this post is about rares. So tell me guys what you think, are rares overrated? Where ever I seem to go on stardoll I always find amazing designers with designs inspired by rares in Stardesign Fashion or Jewelry. I am always amazed when I see designers create something designed to look like a rare.
- Amzyness1290
- sparklewand12
This look is from the gorgeous FashionablyLate:
The look is very simple and has a girly style - but that's why I love it! Keeping things simple is one of my favourite motto's when making outfits for myself, and I'm glad to see others go with that too!
- sparklewand12
- Girly_baby1
- Hallo meine lieben, ich habe mir mal umgesehen, und gemerkt das jede menge Dollies mal Ausgefallene oder mehr Elegante Augen haben. Welche Augen gefallen euch besser?
- Girly_baby1
- MakeupBerries
- Hi there guys, thankyou for all the lovely comments last time, Im really glad you like the look a likes. Next week im going to do celebrities of your choice, so dont be afraid to ask me who you would like me to 'stardolliform' :D
The outfits
- MakeupBerries
- didi1888125 Beitrag: "Haartipps"
- meisenberg Beitrag: "♥Shoppingtipp♥ (3)"
- shrekine Beitrag: "Animal Prints "
- PinkDreamGirl Beitrag: "MakeUp passend zum Outfit"