- Hey people! ♥ How are you all? Today I really want to try and give you the most helpful tips on trying to become a ______ winner. Most people on stardoll have thought of it atleast once, trying really hard and sadly failing. Even though it may seem easy - It really isn't. If you want to become a winner you have to put in your all!
Hallo liebe Leser,
heute will ich euch ein paar Tipps und Tricks zeigen für die unter euch, die sich wunderschöne und gepflegte Haare wünschen oder sie schon haben und weiterhin pflegen möchten.
- Hi liebe Leser & Leserinnen :)).
Erst mal wollte Ich mich kurz bekannt machen.Ich bin zurzeit Probebloggerin für den Starblog,und hoffe meine Einträge werden Euch gefallen ^^
- Halloween`s just around the corner! Today, I`ll be sharing with you a spooky makeup tutorial, perfect for your doll this Halloween.
It's that time of year again where stardoll members have an excuse to show off their talent and creativity. Last year I came across some great Halloween costumes on stardoll and with the introduction of stardesign jewellery and hair I'm sure this years costumes will be even better!
- Give your tresses a turn to the dark side this halloween, with these enticing hues of black!
Today I'll be showing you a technique on how to use your eyeliner on Stardoll. It makes your eyes look effective. All you need is:
Two shades of eyeliners, one dark and one light.
Two shades of eyeshadows that match the colours of the eyeliners.
Guten Tag :)
Ich habe mir überlegt in nächster Zeit mehr real-life bezogene Artikel zu schreiben.
Beginnen möchte ich damit Euch ein paar Shops, die hier in Deutschland eher unbekannter sind, aber dennoch wunderschöne Kleidung verkaufen, vorzustellen.
And here is a photo of one my wintery style rooms to get you in the spirit of the season :)
Hope you have all enjoyed this post, have a nice day!
Love, Peace, Empathy - vikkiVICIOUS
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