
Help about self confidence

vor 146 Monaten

A fellow Starblogger Clarapop recently wrote a post about how to be yourself, she included lots of good information on how to do this but for all of these you need self confidence so to help all of you who're trying to be themselves but need the confidence to do this, I'm going to dedicate this blog post to trying to help you all.

Between the ages of about 9 to 11 I was bullied, this knocked all of the self confidence i had ever had out of me, i ended up hating myself (I will write blog posts very shortly with advice on this kind out thing for anyone who has ever felt or feels this way, if you need advice at the minute please message me in my guestbook or via friend request and I will be more than happy to help, and if you are having thoughts of suicide please tell a parent or doctor - trust me, it helps). Anyway, i went for years hating myself because of what these bullies had said but luckily, in the end and with the help of people that care about me I realised that what these people had been saying to me wasn't true and that I needed to ignore them, not let them get to me and build up my self confidence.

After all of the issues I've faced, the one that I've found the hardest to conquer was always self confidence because once you lose hope in yourself, you seem to lost hope in everything which is never a good thing. One way i coped was through music, when i was feeling down i'd just put my earphones in, listen to my favorite songs and forget about everything which helped eliviate my problems in the short term. Another thing i found helpful was talking, find someone that you're close to and trust and confide in them, getting problems off your chest really helps, if you don't have anybody to talk to write everything down instead because that also helps.

My final and most important tip is getting a paragraph all to it's self it is that important. This tip is an attitude change. If you've had all of your self confidence destroyed by other people then rise above them, realise that no matter what they say, if will go out of their way to make you feel bad they must be very pathetic people who are not worth your time or worries so just ignore them and realise that you are the better person. As one of my favorite musician Adam Ant says in his song Prince Charming "Don't you ever, don't you ever lower yourself, forgetting all your standards" and "Ridicule is nothing to be scared of" - remember this and be yourself, be orginal :)

If you need advice or just simply someone to talk to, give me a comment in my guestbook and i will reply.

Peace, Love, Empathy - vikkiVICIOUS.


