

The Moon Is Round

vor 72 Monaten

Hi Dollies!


Yesterday, I came home from a week-long study camp where I was able to grow both intellectually and personally. Apart from study sessions, the supervisors of the camp were Christian and they included talks and testimonies in our program too. I found a lot of their content very insightful and relevant, but one testimony stood out to me the most.


One of the volunteers, Tom, shared the touching story of his struggle and recovery from depression. He talked about finding inspiration in a young girl who has unfortunately passed away from cancer, but during her treatment, she regularly journaled. When her father was clearing out her things, one particular entry jumped out at him, where she’d written ‘The Moon Is Round’.


She talked about the way she was comforted by the presence of the moon outside her hospital window, and how she knew it was always there for her. Even during the day or when it is just a sliver, the moon itself will never change, it is always round. I was touched by how profound someone so young could be.


The moral the story is that though life will not be without struggle; if we shift our minds to the people and things that remain constant in our lives, we can feel hope. That hardship will pass with time, like a cloud passing over the moon. Throughout it all, we have the support of people we love, whether that be God, in Tom’s case, your parents, your sibling or bestie. It may not always feel that way, but they will always be there like the moon is always round and that will never change.


I hope that brings you all encouragement! I highly recommend reading her story it in full.


Take care,

♡ Joanne


