

Should Dolls Be "Pretty"?

vor 99 Monaten

Here on Stardoll, one insult I hear people saying to each other reasonably often is that their doll is "ugly". This is hard to hear both on Stardoll and in real life - but do we really need to make our dolls pretty anyway?

What Is Pretty?
"Pretty" is a subjective concept, which means that different people have different definitions of what is pretty. For example, I may consider one type of flower pretty, but my friend might hate the way it looks and prefer a different type of flower - which is totally okay! The things people find pretty are influenced by many things in their lives including their culture, personality, and the people they look up to - experiences that are different for everyone.

Should We Aim For Pretty?
Here on Stardoll, should we try to make our dolls look pretty to as many people as we can? I say no, as the only opinion that matters in this area is your own. If you like the look of your doll, it doesn't matter what someone else thinks about it. What's more, Stardoll is a fashion website - and fashion can be art, a concept, or can stem from a source of inspiration. Some fashion may not be pretty, and it's fine to express that on Stardoll too.

Pretty In Real Life...
Should we try to be pretty in real life? It's up to you. This concept is so subjective and personal that we'll never be able to please anyone... and why should we? We don't owe being pretty to anyone. We are the rulers of our own bodies, and our own looks. If you want to be pretty, do it for you - because you want to!

What do you think?


