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Staying Determined

vor 101 Monaten

Hi guys! I'm Fizzy and in case you didn't know, I'm one of the new Starbloggers!

Today's post is about determination. Have you ever had that feeling when you just want to give up? When you don't care anymore, and you'd rather do anything else?

Determination - it basically means being positive. Being persistent, never giving up, despite obstacles which may get in your way.

When on the verge of giving up, here are some things to remember:

1. Your goal. What is it that you want to do? Think about the feeling that you will encounter once you succeed.

2. The fact that if you carry on, you would never give up. Quite an obivous one, I know, but worth thinking about. 

3. Try to stay focused. Don't get side-tracked, or leave whatever you want to do to the last minute. It will all be worth it in the end.

4. The obstacles that may get in your way are just like missing steps. Nothing major, just kind of annyoing.

5. How much time you use. If you're super tired, you're likely to feel negative, which will affect how spirited or determined you are feeling.

I was determined to be a Starblogger. I had a writer's block, I'd sometimes think: 'whatever, I give up - it's not like I'm going to be chosen' and I'd sometimes get bored. But the feeling I got when I got accepted... it was amazing.

Determination. It's about achieving your end, no matter what.



