

Photo Composition!

vor 108 Monaten

Taking photos with the suite camera is not only fun, the pictures can be used for many purposes! Enter them in contests, use them to illustrate your blog posts, or pop them in your album to jazz it up - so many possibilities! Here are some tips to help you create a great picture on Stardoll that might just help you in contests like The Vote.

Centering Your Subject
You will usually be taking a photo for a reason. Maybe you'll be showing off your outfit or makeup, in which case the subject of your picture will be your doll! It's important to place your subject in the centre of the picture, so it's the first thing the viewer's eye will go to. If you prefer the off-centre look, imagine the picture is split into thirds - place the subject on one of the imaginary lines, and your subject will still be the centre of attention!

Creating Interest
Have you ever noticed how many winners of contests like The Vote are close up pictures of the face of a beautiful doll? This is because the creator of the picture has used eye contact to create a human interest in the photo - making the viewer feel a connection to the picture, and be more likely to choose that picture to vote for! When creating interest, always consider eye contact - posed clothing items from shops like Strike a Pose or 9 to 5 also create interest through being a bit different from the usual.

Although Stardoll photo filters cost quite a few Stardollars, they are well worth it as you can keep them forever, and they can create amazing photographs! I recommend the Give 'Em The Slip filter - it's definitely my most used!


What are your photo composition tips?

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