September 2011
- Noch wichtiger als die Frage, wer den Award für den "Besten Schauspieler" oder die "Beste Schauspielerin" gewinnt, ist die Frage, wer die Oscars moderieren wird. Viele bekannte Comedians und Schauspieler hatten schon die Ehre durch die Academy Awards zu führen.
- Bradgelina und die Kinder unternehmen alle möglichen coolen Dinge auf Brads Arbeitsurlaub in Südost-England! Gestern Morgen sahen wir sie dabei, wie sie sich einen Film in einem Kino, das Sneak-Previews zeigt, ansahen.
- Wir lieben "How I Met Your Mother"! Die Serie ist eine unserer absoluten Lieblingsserien! Alle Schauspieler sind so lustig und wir lieben insbesondere Lily!
- We spotted Hilary Duff running outside! Isn't she glowing? She's always been gorgeous but she looks radiant now that she is preggo!
- Menswear is really hot right now! We love how you can take a masculine look like a bowtie or oxford shoes and add a feminine and romantic twist to it! The menswear look is really easy to do, just a fun bow tie, black blazer, or a cute pair of oxfords to any outfit and you'll look super chic! Remember to mix it with something girly like bright lipstick or a skirt! Be inspired by celebs like Alexa Chung or Gwen Stefani who perfectly rock menswear!
- We're seriously excited about Fall's hot hair hues! After a summer of beach blonde and honey brown, we're opting for The It Color of Fall: fiery red! If you're planning to dye your hair red, one thing you need to watch out for is matching eyebrows! Because, let's be honest, red hair with black or brown eyebrows just isn't cute! It can be hard to find the perfect shade of red for your eyebrows but we have a really amazing and cheap trick! Just take some bronzing powder and use it as brow powder! The bronzing powder will add a slight orange to your brows that will look perfect with your red hair! If you want a slightly darker brow, mix your bronzing powder with a bit of brown eyeshadow! We love this little trick! It's fast and super easy to do! Click on the pics to see some of our favorite red head celebs and how they paired their brows with fiery tresses!
- We love their music, we love their performances, but most of all we love how these ladies keep on shocking us with crazy outfits!
We can't get enough of Taylor Swift's golden dresses, Britney's unflattering corsets, and Kesha's futuristic look! Whether it's fashionable or not, they always give us a show which has lead to the ultimate pop diva battle. Now it's up to you guys to decide who has the best stage wardrobe! Are you on Team Britney or are you one of Gaga's little monsters? Let us know!
Faye trifft eine folgenschwere Entscheidung - und wirft sich in Koskay's Maschine des Bösen.
- Und das beruht auf Gegenseitigkeit! In der Oktober-Ausgabe der britischen Glamour wird der Pop-Prinzessin Britney Spears erzählt, dass Prinz William als Teenager Poster von ihr in seinem Schlafzimmer hängen hatte.
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