Mai 2011

  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    We <3 Mom!

    vor 168 Monaten 451 Kommentar(e)

    Happy Mother's Day! We love our moms and love that we get to celebrate them today! Check out the photos of our favorite celeb moms and then go give your mom a big hug! XOXO
  • ElleGirlElleGirl


    Emilio Pucci, Imaxtree

    Yes, you read that correctly. While most designers decided to shrink down the size of our carryalls into envelope clutches or cross-body bags, a few decided to go old school with the fanny pack. It might not appear fashionable at first glance, but it is certainly practical. A waist-purse would be perfect to have for a day out shopping, at a concert, or while babysitting—basically anytime that you really need to have both hands free. Our suggestion for wearing this trend without looking like a soccer mom or lost tourist? Besides the obvious (don’t wear it with sneakers or sweatpants), look for a small purse that is made of leather or another rich material, one that’s attached to an actual belt with a belt buckle, and has stylish detailing such as a fringe or leather work. What do you think—are you fashion risky enough to bring back the fanny pack?
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Aw yay! Kelly Osbourne is in love again and we couldn't be happier for her! As you know, last year Kelly and her fiance Luke Worrall broke up, which totally broke Kelly's heart. We were so sad too! But lately Kelly has been seen cuddling with her longtime friend Anton Lombardi (he's a photographer) and it seems like it's the real thing! Kelly and Anton have known each other forever and a source close to the couple said "Their relationship become more serious a week ago. Things happened naturally." It's so sweet and we really hope it will last! (NewYorkPost)
  • ElleGirlElleGirl


    Photo: Courtesy of

    Gritty, eccentric, and often scantily-clad, Kesha ushered in a new wave of hippie-punk. Littered with glitter, tribal paint, and mounds of bracelets, the chart-topping artist’s more-is-more approach is both experimental and fearless. Her dynamic sense of style includes studs, vintage tee’s, ripped stockings, sequins, and scarves—typically black and worn all at once. The starlet’s distinct fashion sense is met with mixed reviews but is, after all, undeniably unique—and mimic-worthy. After wearing feathers in her trademark disheveled hair, salons* experienced high demand from clients for the same type of extensions. Though she’s openly admitted to rummaging through trash to find discarded clothing, we found multiple ways to maintain the integrity of her style—no garbage sifting necessary.
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    As part of Michelle Obama's Let's Move! campaign a group of students were dancing to the hot Beyonce song Get Me Bodied when out of the nowhere the singer arrived to dance with the students. How amazing is that? Both We really enjoyed watching the video and thought you guys would too! (popsugar)
  • ElleGirlElleGirl


    Antonio Berardi, Imaxtree

    All the feather extensions, neons, and crazy lip tattoos have us pining for  a clear, natural-looking palette, and thankfully some spring 2011 beauty trends are right on target. Subtly sexy and understated, a minimalist makeup look is easy to wear: just prep and smooth out your skin with a moisturizing primer, choose one area (eyes or cheeks) to blend in a single sheer color (apply using your fingertips), finish off with a swipe of mascara and lip balm, and voilà. Check out these clean, almost celestial makeup looks from the spring runways, and the products that promise a gorgeous look less loud and in-your-face than KeSha’s, starting at just $3.
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    We've been wondering if newlyweds Prince William and Kate Middleton had any pet names for each other and turns out they do! And it's like the sweetest thing ever! At home and away from the private eye they call each other Mr. and Mrs. Wales! Awwww. A guest at their wedding reception said when William toasted Kate, he said "I'd like to raise a toast to Mrs. Wales." Their recently changed their last names to Cambridge but until the wedding Prince William's last name was Mountbatten-Windsor. We think their nicknames for each other are really sweet. (USWeekly)
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Unfortunately for these celebs didn't get the memo that sometimes too much of a good thing is a REALLY bad thing and in this case it looks almost toxic. We love a nice, glowing tan but these stars took it a bit too far. They don't just glow, they glow in the dark! So ladies and gents, when tanning this summer remember these photos of what NOT to look like!
  • Selina.StardollSelina.Stardoll


    Es ist immer schön, wenn sich Promis verlieben. Was kann man dazu sagen? Wir lieben es! Aber wir haben festgestellt, dass sich einige unserer Lieblings-Damen kleine Partner ausgesucht haben - was unserer Meinung nach super toll ist!
  • Elle.StardollElle.Stardoll


    Photo: Getty Images

    If there’s one musically inclined closet we’d give anything to raid it’d be Madonna’s—and thanks to the LaGuardia Arts High School we kind of can. The music icon’s offered up a pair of her Chanel boots for the school’s annual auction block and the bidding begins at $1,000. Starting now and ending next Thursday May 12th, there will be an online auction at Gotta Have Rock and Roll where you can bid on a signed pair of Madonna’s boots. All benefits from the sale will go directly toward funding  multiple development programs at the infamous Fame School. With her daughter Lourdes’ first year at LaGuardia coming to and end soon, Madonna’s breaking out her school spirit—and you get to reap the rewards! If only she’d put Chanel’s gun shoes up for auction, too.
    Photo: Getty Images

