Juli 2010
- Wer hätte gedacht, dass all diese Mädchen und Jungs irgendwann groß und berühmt werden würden und am Ende richtige Mulitmillionäre? Schaut euch die Galerie mit all den süßen Kindern selbst an. Habt ihr ne Idee wer wer ist?
- Last night while leaving a dinner party at AGO restaurant in Los Angeles, Rihanna had no time to pose for the photogs in that hot little Lanvin mini-dress because she was too busy talking on her phone.
- Selena Gomez went on The Late Show with David Letterman last night and she was adorable as usual. Fans will know that Selena is from Texas, the home of fried food, so its no wonder she loves everthing deep fried. Find out what her favourite fried snack is.
- Jennifer Aniston launched her first perfume yesterday at the iconic London department store Harrods....
- Es gibt wieder einmal etwas neues von HotBuys! Dieses Mal sind es wunderschöne Ohrringe, die man für 6 Stardollers erwerben kann.
- Nachdem Pink durch ihren Sturz ihre Fans in Angst und Schrecken versetzt hat, ist sie nun zurück on stage und singt wieder!
- Katie Holmes debuted a brand new hairdo at the premiere of "The Extra Man" last night in the East Village of New York. We really didn't love anything about this look for her and the stripey dress was pretty underwhelming for us. We think Stephanie Pratt and Sean Lennon's girlfriend Kemp Muhl totally stole the show with their fashion choices. What do you think?
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