- Daniella
Hey dollies! Today's blog post is my second "Stardoll History" post. This "Stardoll History" post will be about how Starplaza and it's stores have changed over the years.
If you were a member of Stardoll back in 2006 or 2007, you probably remember starplaza looking like this:
- Daniella
- sparklewand12
- Hey :) This post is about what I think your Stardoll wardrobe essentials should be! And today, namely the basics - clothing that never loses it's classic touch!
- sparklewand12
- Penkay
Så er det tid til juleindkøb! Er du startet? Er du stadig interesseret i at købe et af de nuttede dyr i Pêt-à-Porter? Så skal du skynde dig, for der er snart ikke flere tilbage...
- Penkay
- cocoglamDaisy
Det er igen blevet tid til ugens skønne outfits. Med en ny Chanel Tribut-butik og ny kollektion fra LE følet jeg mig som en pige i en slikbutik, da jeg skulle vælge ugens Superstar-outfit. Ugens Stardoll-outfit er igen sammensat med hjælp fra Facebook, som ganske simpelt er genialt og stadig helt gratis.
- cocoglamDaisy
- cocoglamDaisy
- Godt nyt til alle, som ikke har medlemskab, men stadig gerne vil have en masse sejt nyt tøj til sin MeDoll. Send GRATIS gaver via Stardoll på Facebook.
- cocoglamDaisy
- SportyAshley16
Killah er Miss Sixtys lidt mere økonomiske lillesøster. Killah-kollektionerne henter deres inspiration i mange forskellige stilarter og tendenser. Killah er til modepigen, som gerne vil have et lidt drenget look, men stadig føle sig feminin.
Læs mere om den seneste Killah-kollektion her og deltag i Killah-konkurrencen.
- SportyAshley16
- cocoglamDaisy
Fra i dag vil jeg hver uge skabe ugens hotteste Stardoll-outfit - og ugens fedeste Superstar-outfit. Jeg vil prøve at finde nye seje måder at sammensætte outfits på i Starplaza til alle jeres smukke MeDolls.
- cocoglamDaisy
- SportyAshley16
- I fredags kom der en ny serie neglelakker i Starplaza, tjek den ud.
Der er nogle rigtig flotte farver imellem, især er jeg ret glad for den mørkegrønne og den knaldorange. Synes de holder i vintersæsonen. Her får du mine tips til at få neglene til at se godt ud.
- SportyAshley16
- Tylerisbold
"It is easily overlooked that what is now called vintage was once brand new". - Tony Visconti
Stardoll - a lovely place to find out about the latest fashion sensations and, of course, live that luxurious dream. The Starplaza is where you can do just that. With fabulous shops that tend to release new collections daily, your supply of beautiful garments will never run low!
One of my favorite shops that Stardoll's exclusive Starplaza has to offer is 'Decades': an ever-changing vintage boutique! With a variety of magnificent authentic apparel, you are able to take a step back in time. This website is full of rare individuals that have their own passion for fashion. If you are a new member here, or even a pioneer - I recommend taking a closer look at this shop! Vintage is a staple for those that are fashion forward. This store will help you to understand the history of the powerful clothing and trends that you see today.
Leave a comment if you are wearing something from Decades. Who knows, you might just end up in my next post, right here in Stardoll Magazine!
- Tylerisbold
- MagicFairyLily36 Nyeste indlæg: "Sommeren er ved at gå på hæld..."
- cocoglamDaisy Nyeste indlæg: "Copenhagen Fashion Week: EDITH & ELLA SS13"