My Look This Week
- Good morning Stardoll!
Elle.Stardoll and I are getting ready for our last summer holiday adventure - we are going on safari!
Can you tell which animal I am the most excited to see?
What do you think of my outfit? Tell me in the comments!
Outfit Details:
Sunglasses: Spectacular
Belt: Tingeling
Dress: Tingeling
Cape: Tingeling
Shoes: Tingeling
- Good morning Stardoll!
Elle.Stardoll and I had a fantastic shopping spree in Starplaza and are dressed to impress for the summer!
We are headed for the beach in style!
What do you think of my look this week? Tell me in the comments!
Outfit Details:
Sunglasses: Spectacular
Earrings: Tingeling
Necklace: Riviera
Robe: Riviera
Swimsuit: Riviera
Bracelet: Epiphany
Bag: Riviera
Shoes: Riviera
- Hej Stardoll!
Elle.Stardoll og jeg er helt vilde med den modebegejstring, vi har set i jeres kommentarer til hendes outfit!
Jeg skal mødes med nogle veninder til frokost i dag, og jeg er i et fantastisk humør - præcis som vejret. Kan det ses? :)
Hvad synes du om mit look i denne uge? Kommenter gerne!
Outfitte i detaljer:
Solbriller: Bonjour Bizou
Ørenringe: Miss Stardoll World
Halskæde: Bonjour Bizou
Kjole: Bonjour Bizou
Bælte: Bonjour Bizou
Taske: Young Hollywood
Sko: Young Hollywood
- Hey girls!
I've been on some major shopping sprees in Starplaza recently with my bestie ElleGirl--- I can't wait to show you everything I bought!
I totally fell in love with this outfit from Young Hollywood:
What do you think of my look this week? Tell me in the comments!
Outfit details:
Dress: Young Hollywood
Bag: Young Hollywood
Shoes: Young Hollywood
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