- Ét heldigt Stardoll-medlem fik chancen for at møde Willow Smith i sidste måned, og her deler hun glad sine oplevelser med os!
Hun skriver:
Kære Stardoll
Tusind tak for den mest fantastiske tur nogensinde og for at møde Willow og Justin.
Da jeg fik fri fra skole om onsdagen, føltes det som verdens længste dag, og min far kørte os op til the o2 - da vi kom, var der tusindvis af mennesker, og det var rigtig spændende. The o2 er kæmpe stort, det tog vildt lang tid at finde ud af, hvor vi skulle sidde. Til sidst fandt vi vores pladser og så et band, Sound Girl, som var ret godt. Men da Willow kom gik det hele amok.
Stardoll Admin
- ....loves Stardoll :o)
- Willow Smith is closing in on A-lister status with every day that goes by! She's in the midst of a tour with teen sensation Justin Bieber and as if that wasn't enough, her fans are now beginning to stalk her at her hotel! Earlier this week she played yet another successful concert in Dublin, Ireland and once she got back to her hotel, dozens of fans were waiting for her! She was super thrilled and stuck her head out the window to greet them!
We're looking forward to having Willow on Stardoll where she will chat with fans on March 17th at 3.30pm GMT / 4.30pm CET , 7:30am PST / 10:30am EST.
In the meantime, you can watch the video for Willow's brand new single '21st Century Girl' in the video here!
Don't forget that the single is available to download on iTunes here right now!
Click here to go to the Webchat page where you can start sending in questions.
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