- We only have three years left of Brad Pitt on the silver screen. In a recent interview, Brad said that he plans to quit acting in three years, but that doesn't mean he's done with movies. Instead, Brad is going to focus on producing, "I am really enjoying the producing side and development of stories and putting those pieces together." So it's not like we won't see Brad on the red carpet ever again, but still!
We guess the life of an actor is too demanding for Brad, especially when it comes to his family, because Brad also announced that he and Angelina Jolie weren't done having kids! "You know, I don't know that we're finished...I don't know yet," Brad said when asked about expanding his family. And while we're super sad that we only have three years left of watching Brad in front of the camera, a new addition to the Jolie-Pitt family makes us ridiculously happy! (eonline)
- OMG! They just realized the full trailer for The Hunger Games and it looks amazing. Absolutely amazing! And yes, it looks better than Twilight. Don't you think that Jennifer Lawrence looks completely like how you imagined Katniss? We really can't wait for this movie to release! Watch the trailer and let us know what you think!
- Check out this amazing video of how the made Selena Gomez & The Scene's newest song, "Hit the Lights." We love finding out how they make such cool videos, it looks like a lot of fun!
Som I måske husker, gav Callie.Stardoll mig lov til at vælge danske vindere i den internationale Halloween-konkurrence. Der var virkelig mange kreative makeovers, så det var temmelig svært, men... Se om du er en af de kreative vindere, der løber af med en eksklusiv og årstidsrelevant præmie at varme sig i.
Blandt de flere tusinde (!) deltagere i konkurrencen, var der kun 18, der havde svaret rigtigt på alle 10 spørgsmål. Blandt dem har jeg trukket lod om 6x 25 Stardollars + 3 Superstar-dage.
Se om du er en af de heldige - og dygtige - vindere.
- Ever since Gossip Girl, the preppy look has taken a turn from boring sweater sets in pastel hues to fashion forward layering, hot colors, and edgy fabrics. This season the preppy look is hotter than ever, especially with the button down shirt and collar being some of the season's major trends. Click on the pics and check out celebrities who look perfectly preppy.
- Zoe Saldana is not only an incredible actress, she also has a great fashion sense! We all know that she wears the most fantastic dresses on the red carpet , but did you also know she has a remarkable every day style? Click on the pictures to see her top 10 stylish looks!
- We spotted Miranda Kerr in Manhattan with her adorable son Flynn! As usual, Miranda looked great in a leather jacket, black booties, and chic braid! Doesn't Flynn look so cute? We love his chubby cheeks! What a lucky kid!
- Remember this summer when Justin Timberlake was invited to the Marine Corps ball via Youtube? Cpl. Kelsey DeSantis sent out the invite to Justin and he actually accepted! Justin seemed to have a great time at the ball, "Thank you Corporal Kelsey DeSantis. Thank you for inviting me. And, thank you for being my hero," he wrote on his website. We think that was really sweet of Justin and so unlike most of the celebrities in Hollywood, and this is reason number 160032 why we love Justin Timberlake! Check out the invitation that Kelsey sent Justin below! (wtvr)
Endelig er det tid til Twilght Breaking Dawn, del 1. Jeg mener, vi har ventet ALT for længe, ikke? Jeg kan bare ikke vente til filmen endelig kommer i biografen, og der er bare så kort tid til!
Det bliver nok den mest dramatiske film, vi Twilight-fans har ventet på til dato!!
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