How to Say No?
As some of you might have noticed, I haven't really been online much recently. I used to be online sometimes all day long, just messing with friends or waiting for someone else to log on. However, I came to the realization that I was tiring myself out.
You probably know that most of my posts aren't normally all about me, which is why this is something that I struggled to express.
A few months ago, I was spiraling into an abyss of self-loathing and despair. Here's something I never really believed: you NEVER know people you meet online. People hide behind facades, behind computer screens, often to make themselves feel better about the person they are.
Sometimes, you have to say enough is enough. Sometimes you need a break. Sometimes you need to care more about yourself than a bunch of pixels.
If you've backed yourself ino a corner and participating only ever makes you more uneasy, then make a new path. Find a new hobby, make more friends, go out and have fun. Escape from whatever hardship awaits you.
My first year in college, my freshman roommate decided to give me a list of 10 reasons why she and our friends didn't like me. I cried my eyes out for 2 days, then picked myself up and found a new roommate, new friends, and beat my freshman roommate's GPA.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is the best way to say "No, I'm not okay, enough is enough" is by saying "yes." Find something you want to do, someone you actually like, some way to accomplish a goal, and just say, "Hell, yes!"
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