

Keeping Stardoll Safe

112 måneder siden

Here on Stardoll, safety is very important, and that's why we have the One Stop Rules!  We should all follow these rules, but you might like to do a little extra to help keep newer and younger dolls safe online.  Here are a few ways you can help out!

Be a great role model!

One of the best ways you can help other dolls stay safe online is by being a good role model.  Make sure you always stick to the One Stop Rules, and always use your manners - new dolls often look up to older dolls to see how they should be acting online, so it's important to act your best!

Help new dolls out!

If you are talking to a doll and you think they might not know the rules, let them know that they can find them in the Help section.  Lots of good information can be found there!  You could also direct them to a trustworthy help club like advice4newbies, which is owned by Callie's Crew member madmadeleine.

Don't tolerate bad behaviour!

If you see any dolls breaking the One Stop Rules, don't just ignore it - report it.  Stardoll has rules for a reason, and reporting dolls who ignore those rules keeps Stardoll safe and appropriate for the rest of us!

How do you help keep Stardoll safe?


