Januar 2013
- Are you in the mood for a yummy seafood meal? Do you like Salmon? I know I do. Here's an easy recipe I tried just today and it turned out perfect.
- Harry Styles and Taylor Swift is getting even more serious! Now, yhe young lovebirds have headed from the English countryside to the British Virgin Islands - they have been spotted togheter in the Caribbean! According to insiders (and pictures of them both) they're enjoying a romantic trip in each other's comany. Aw! Wonder where they will be spotted next?!?
Hey dollies! I have a whole bunch of new posts coming up, so stay tuned! For the next few weeks I will be posting "Organzing Tips" for your suite, closets, and beauty parlor. I am a avery organized person (in real life and on Stardoll) so I thought I'd share some of my organization tips that I use for Stardoll with you guys! Today I will be showing you how to organize your accessories.
Choose either A, B, Or C for each of the 4 questions. Answers are in my presentation at the bottom, in my blog on my page and I will try to post then after this.
1. Which way would you least like to spend New Year's Eve?
a. Wearing yellow underpants(this is a real tradition)
b. Eating lentils all night
c. Filling both shoes with money
- We spotted the actress/model Vanessa Hudgens and Austin Butler out shopping in Robinson Drive, West Hollywood yesterday! Check out Vanessa's outfit and get inspired for the day! Doesn't she look amazing?!
- Godt nytår! Håber I havde en megajul og et godt nytår. Har I gjort noget sjovt? Fik I nogle dejlige julegaver? Hvad er jeres nytårsforsætter? Fortæl mig! :) :) :)Godt nytår! Håber I havde en megajul og et godt nytår. Har I gjort noget sjovt? Fik I nogle dejlige julegaver? Hvad er jeres nytårsforsætter? Fortæl mig! :) :) :)
Hey guys(:
Sorry I haven't posted for a while, but I am here now with another Stylish Suite.
- Hey Dollies! Happy New Year! Hope 2013 is a great year for you. Today I have a makeover that uses pinks and natural tones to create what I am calling the "Sweet Pea New Year Makeover". First I wanted to say a thankyou to my model in this post.
Nyeste indlæg: "Copenhagen Fashion Week: EDITH & ELLA SS13"