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Being a Starblogger has opened doors for me that have helped me reach amazing success! Also, it means I can give advice on becoming one - which I will be doing today...
- Using your own personal values to help you think about life is really important because it lets you develop your own personal views! Here are a few ways to help you decide on the things that are important to you and expand your ideas.
Basics seems to be a shop that most of us neglect - however, these cheap items can really make an outfit look amazing...
- Today I am going to show you guys a look that I made based on MC's video from last year, Wrecking Ball. Miley went for a bold look for her lips, and then barely any makeup on the rest of her face only wearing mascara and eyeliner on her eyes.
Starpoints are amazing things when you think about it. They may appear as not that much, but they do really enhance your experience for you.
- Here a few things you can do to brighten up your nails...
- When you want to curl your hair, it can take hours depending on your hair length and type. And getting those loose, perfectly-unperfect waves can be next to impossible...
- This post is inspired by the Duchess of Cambridge herself, Kate Middleton. I truly admire her taste in clothing and how she looks fantastically put together on a day-to-day basis.
- Sometimes all you need is the right motivation to make yourself work hard to achive something that you have always wanted but though you couldn't.
- I adore Kate Middleton and her sense of style, but what I like most about her style is that she doesn't always wear high end brands.