

From 9 to 5: Katie Ermilio

Před 157 měsíci

Photo: Katie Ermilio


It’s another early morning at the studio and I’m already on my second cup of Nespresso playing catch-up on the emails that came in over night. Before I can start prepping for today’s appointments there’s a ton of fabric buying to be done in Italy and finalizing purchase orders with our Italian vendors is at the top of my priority list.


With my inbox finally clear I begin revisions on a very important set of swatch cards for Shopbop. We’re doing an exclusive reissue for them with our best selling top from the fall 2011 collection and it’s crucial that I get the final fabric options to their team to review.


First appointment of the day is up and our showroom model made it here just in the nick of time, phew! I walk the buyers through the collection before the sales team takes over. (I can’t help but make mental notes for any tweaks I want to implement in our final production fitting as the model circles around in each of the looks).


The showroom model hangs out after the meeting for a quick coffee break at my request. I’m dead set on squeezing in a try-on for those mental production notes I was making earlier…she’s such a good sport.

Photo: Katie Ermilio


We switch gears from sales to editorial as our next appointment comes through the door. This certain editor happens to be getting married (and I just so happen to be designing her wedding dress!!) Even though she came to my presentation during Fashion Week I can’t wait to show her the full collection and how our work together inspired the bridal feel of line. Something’s definitely in the water at all of the publishing companies because I’ve had fashion industry brides all summer long!


My PR Director and I reconvene in the studio for a re-cap as we have tons of stuff to go over. She gives me a quick brief on our (rapidly approaching) blogger breakfast, and I bring her up to speed on the upcoming holiday trunk show schedule. So excited to have a couple of insanely crazy/busy/fun weeks ahead!

Photo: Katie Ermilio


With official work-related-engagements wrapped up for the day I’m back to filling in a Q&A for a written interview that I started earlier in the week—the magazine article calls for the details on my favorite holiday traditions (starting to feel very excited for the upcoming season and all of that cookie baking I have to look forward to…) I sneak in some finishing touches and get the copy off to my PR Director. Made my end-of-day deadline! Which is amazing because now I can keep my appointment time at Walter Steiger’s private sample sale…so psyched to see Paul and Gloria and show them how the SS12 look book turned out. Their cream Moltissimo pumps look so amazing in the collection photographs! Which reminds me, I hope they have a pair of them at the sale in a size 36…


Once I get home I’m totally starved and the timing couldn’t be better. Tonight I have a dinner date with Caroline and Lauren, two of my best friends, and we’re in need of some serious catching-up!  We shoot for bi-weekly dinners, but in my opinion they’re never too frequent. I trade my sweater and skirt for a blazer and jeans and I’m out the door.


I make it home super full. Dinner was at Dell’Anima and I had a salted caramel dessert that changed my life. I climb into bed and check tomorrow’s calendar one last time to see if there’s any scheduling changes that occurred in the short time I was out. Once I’m sufficiently caught up on the game plan it’s lights out to rest up for tomorrow.
Uvedeno v:Elle

