

The Rugby World Cup gets a Dash of Fashion

Před 163 měsíci

A design by Romania's Andreea Musat

To most fashion-concerned Americans, rugby’s little more than an diffusion label that’s part of Ralph Lauren’s gargantuan empire. So it may come as a surprise to hear that the Rugby World Cup is the world’s second most-watched sporting event. The popular tournament is coming to a close in New Zealand next weekend and surprisingly enough, its culmination is being celebrated with a fashion show. Taking place in Auckland near the cup’s main stage—the show, called Style Pasifika is an annual event that was tied to this year’s rough-and-tumble tourney.  It will feature a garment from most of the championship’s member nations, each one created of prized New Zealand wool. While the USA was kicked out early on, it’ll still be represented in the show with an ensemble designed by Julie Chaiken of Chaiken & Capone—a label that’s well-loved for it’s sophisticated and simple sportswear. ”They were looking for a designer typical of each country who could help promote New Zealand’s fabric industry,” Chaiken explained. She’s created a blue shift and charcoal double-faced wool trench coat for the show, “I made the dress in blue instead of a whole outfit of red, white, and blue, because I definitely didn’t think that was something typical of American sportswear.” Chaiken will share the runway with Japan’s Yohji Yamamoto, Ireland’s John Rocha, and England’s Elizabeth Emmanuel, who designed Princess Diana’s wedding gown. While each of the looks are a one-off, they’ll be part of a public exhibition that’ll promote rugby and the nation’s fine merino wool. “Outside the US, American fashion doesn’t have the same impact. Good American design isn’t necessarily trendy and has staying power, I don’t feel like fashion from all over the world is that way,” said Chaiken. Other countries on the show’s roster include nations diverse as Fiji, Namibia, Tonga, and Samoa, and they too will provide domestically-designed garments constructed of New Zealand textiles. So perhaps it’s time to start paying rugby some attention—beyond the masquerading racks of cotton jerseys.

