

Long Distance Friendship - Can it Work?

Před 94 měsíci

Friends are usually like extended family. Except they may understand us on the level our parents, siblings or relatives cannot. Friends take special place in our hears and are the best thing about going to school, college, work.

Unfortunately,not all friendships can last, and today I wanted to talk about long distance friendships and their struggles.

Where you met? If the answer is 'online', for example on Stardoll, and you chat occasionally, without the need to see them in person. It is good knowing there is someone you can confide in and have a relaxing conversation. On the other hand, if you met 'in real life', and are used to seeing each other on daily basis, and suddenly you don't, it can really be hard. Of course, there are phones and social networks, but nothing can replace face-to-face conversation. 

How far away do they live? It is huge difference if they live 1 hour or 10 hours ride away. It is really helpful if you still can get to see them occasionally but of they live really far away that can be a real challenge. 

Are they willing to make it work? If you are always the one who calls, texts or initiates the conversation, it may seem they are just not interested. Maybe they have their own friends in their hometown and are willing to pursue those friendships instead of yours, because it is too complicated. 

I had one of those. We met at college, became best friends, spent great time together, but then she came back to her town. I tried calling from time to time, but she would never. Decided it just won't work. Haven't heard from her for over a year. Yes it hurts. But I will survive.


~ Milena


