

Storage Struggles

Před 96 měsíci

Decorating your Suite is so much fun! When I have nothing to do, I like to just scroll through the Decor catalog; there are a lot of really cool items for great prices, and you can use them however you want to make your Suite unique and amazing. Going through your storage can be really frustrating, though. Like, where is that wallpaper I put away last week? How come I can't find that free item from last Halloween? It can take patience to deal with your storage; here are my best strategies when you don't know what to do -

Load More - Once you have a big collection of Decor items, your storage just can't show it to you all at once! Keep pressing the purple Load More button in the bottom right-hand corner of your suite until it disappears - now you should have access to all the items that aren't already in your Suite.

Search filters - Most items you can find by using filters like Furniture and Nature. Some items are a little harder to find, though. For example, those cute fairies that cost 10 Starcoins each will either be under Animals or Art and Objects depending on their colour. If you know the name of the item you want, start typing it in to the search bar at the top. If you know the brand, try the Brands filter underneath the search bar. With all the ways to search, you're guaranteed to find the item one way or another.

Favourites - If there's an item you like to use a lot, or that you're always losing in the shuffle, press those three dots in the top left corner of its icon and mark it as a Favourite! Now you have easy access to it whenever you need it; just don't fill up your Favourites tab too much!

How do you keep your storage organized?

Til next time!

Kat ♥


