

Changing the Past

Před 100 měsíci

Have you ever caught yourself wondering 'what if'? What if I did some things differently, what if I haven't said or done that, what if I chose different friends, school, college, etc. You eventually may wish you could travel back in time and fix some things. Sounds like great idea, fix your mistakes and life will be much better, right? Wrong!

I have seen many movies and TV shows that dealt with time travel in one point. And what I learned from them is time travel may be extremely dangerous. First of all, some paradoxes may occur, the most well known being the 'grandfather paradox'. Also, by changing even one single thing, you might trigger many other changes and you may go back to the future you don't recognize. Or you would back to new future unaware you changed anything, and with dozens more things you'd change. Because, let's face it, we can never be truly satisfied and at peace with our past.

So the only thing you can do is live with your mistakes and learn from them. And if some things that happened in past still upset you, you may wanna talk to someone. Just remember, look forward, leave your past behind and never turn back.

Now I know time travel is impossible (at least at the moment), and the post may seem pointless, but it can give you something to think about. Right?


~ Milena


