

I'm Not Perfect.

Před 104 měsíci

I'm not perfect. I'm not flawless! While I make many, many mistakes, I still deserve forgiveness and love - and so do you! Mistakes are an opportunity to learn, and learning is one of the most important things humans do. Don't beat yourself up about it!

I make lots of mistake, in both my real life AND my Stardoll life! I drop bowls filled with hot noodles (on my leg - ouch!), I say the wrong thing and upset people, and I misspell words in the Starblog... once I even spelt Lana del Rey as Lana del Ray! Oops.

If you have trouble thinking through things before diving in headfirst like I do, I have a few tips for you. These have seriously improved my life and relationships with others!

Focus on what people are saying, and consider their reasons for saying those things.
A person's opinion and way of phrasing things is always dependent on their own experiences. While your friend may have a very different point of view to you, it is always possible to come to an understanding. Listen to people, consider their feelings, and reply with compassion - a discussion is always better than an argument!

Don't be afraid to say "Sorry".
Never let pride come before friendship. Sorry is the start of a conversation, the start of the resolution of a conflict. If you hurt someone, apologising sincerely will begin to heal the wound.

Do you find apologising hard?


