

La Fripe, C’est Chic


Photo: Fripesketchup

La Fripe, French for ‘second-hand’ is popular in Paris, yet not as developed as in other cities: New York, London, Berlin all have catchy concept boutiques offering vintage clothing – yet the French variety falls into two categories: either dépôt-ventes (where one sells and buys used luxury goods for a vaguely less outrageous price), or dirt-cheap, filthy items in smelly shops.

“Vintage isn’t necessarily a ‘look’, it can also be a smarter, more conscious way of approaching fashion,” said Pauline d’Arfeuille, a 25 year-old girl from Lyon, who recently launched a vintage concept boutique, ‘Fripesketchup’ in Paris’ Montmartre (you’ve guessed it, a pun between frites –French fries—and fripes.) Formerly trained as an architect, Pauline earned pocket money as a student by buying kilos of clothes all over France and selling them in markets on the weekend. “A tough, manly job, that I entirely did in high heels!” she said with a smile.

The aim of the store was to offer contemporary fashion, but entirely through vintage pieces: “Fashion is an eternal loop: block colors, camel coats, liberty prints are nothing new.” The aim for Mademoiselle Arfeuille was to avoid at all costs the vintage ‘look’: “no wooden baskets, no records on the walls, no old gadgets. I didn’t want people to identify the shop as clearly vintage, but rather attract Maje and Sandro shoppers, who wouldn’t usually think of their style as ‘retro’.” The pared-down space has a Bauhaus, factory-esque feel “and it doesn’t stink of vintage!” she said with a laugh; it is organized by trends, with a window display changed on a daily basis. “This is also a very eco-conscious way of shopping,” the shop owner added, “it is the greenest, fairest way of wearing fur, and of shopping” said Arfeuille. “Instead of buying disposable clothes in high street shops, why not use what already exists? There is so much clothes in the world as it is!”
Read more about:La Fripe, C’est Chic


