

Plans for 2018


Hi dollies!


We are getting close to the new year and I'm sure it will come with lots of surprises, as well as good fortune.


I'm not the one to make resolutions because at the end of the day, we don't really stick to them! Although I have made a promise to myself: 2018 will be all about new beginnings, don't dwell on the past and appreciate your life.


2017 was a tough year, I lost my grand-mother, I finally came out about my mental health and starting my final year at high school has been quite stressful.

However! I have had a wonderful year on stardoll with being a Starblogger, I won NCG for the second time in November and met some amazing dollies!


To me, 2018 will be a fresh start, a chance to show people who I really am.


I hope that your 2018 will be amazing. If anything happens, I want you to know that you're not alone. I want you to speak up and fight back. Times may get tough, but there is always a  'light at the end of the tunnel'.


Stay safe, have a wonderful new year and have fun!

All the best for 2018,


Starlight x



