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Pros and cons: Making friends on SD

há 105 meses

It's always nice to have a friend to keep you company, and to steer you away from boredom. It's easier to make friends on Stardoll than in real life, so I thought that I'd tell you the pros and cons of making friends on Stardoll.


It's so easy. Usually, all you have to do is click a button and bam, you're their friend. You can then use Chat to talk to them while earning starpoints and having fun on Stardoll.


You don't know who they actually are. They could be feeding you lies, and make out to be someone that they are not.


If they prove to be untrusworthy, you can easily block them and delete them as a friend. In real life, it's not that easy.


They might create fake accounts and follow you everywhere (unlikely though).


By reading a doll's presentation, you can find more about the person behind the doll and this can make it easier for you to make friends. In real life, on somebody's forehead it wont say 'I like to read' or 'Hey, I love pasta!'. You have to ask the questions yourself.


You can lose yourself in the online world.

It is usually easier to open up online, especially if you're naturally shy. I love to make friends online, but you need to remember that you don't actually know the person behind the screen. You need to remember to be cautious.

Do you like making friends online?



