

Pancake Art!

há 110 meses

Pancakes are such a fun food for breakfast, or for another meal if you're feeling adventurous! Pancake art is an awesome trend that has been sweeping the world. It consists of frying your pancakes in such a way that they end up creating a picture that you can eat! Read on to find out how.

IMPORTANT: Always get an adult to help you out when cooking! This is especially important for pancakes, as they require the use of a hot frying pan.

The Method
To create pancake art, all you need to do is pop some pancake mix into a squeezy bottle (like those tomato sauce comes in). This allows you to control where the pancake batter is placed on the frying pan!  All you need to do to create your art is to draw your creation with the batter on the hot frying pan. Remember, the lines you draw first will be the darkest! Try drawing an outline, then details, then filling in the background. Delicious!

The Recipe
While you are free to use any pancake mix for pancake art, my fave is this one from Allrecipes.

1.25 cups flour
2 tpsb white sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/25 cups water
1 tbsp oil

1. Sift and mix dry ingredients. Mix wet ingredients. Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients, then add the wet and combine.
2. With an adult, fry in oil until bubbly, then flip. Make sure to make your pancake art in time to flip to the other side!

What's your fave breakfast food?


