Hello Gorgeous dollies! Alba here! After spending 10 minutes deciding what I was going to dress my medoll up next, I noticed that all of my options included an array of denim! This sparked my idea of creating an article dedicated to the popular pants. I decided to take a peek through the StarPlaza & my closet to choose the TOP MUST HAVE jeans on Stardoll! Here they are;
مرحبا بكم كيف حالكم
اليوم قمت بارتداء زي له اكثر من لون وجاذبيه رائعه له لكثره لالوانه الناعمه انه زي مبهج ومريح للنفس
فقد اعجبني كثيرا فهو يشبه الوان الطبيعه الخلابه الناعمه كما ااني اضفت له قطعه حتا يكمل الجاذبيه له ويكون لائق جدا
وانتم هل اعجبكم وماذا قمتم بارتدائه اليوم؟
- Hey girlies! It's Jade here. I just wanted to talk about a topic I feel is very dear to me in my life: Individuality. Now, I've been reading comments from my Covergirl tips blog post and wanted to tell everybody that I would never tell you to change who you are. That is just wrong. I believe our world is beautiful because of the diversity and uniqueness of the people.
- If you love french toast, you'll love this recipe.
Hey, so my last Stardoll Wardrobe Essentials post was all about the black coloured basics, and this one is about the white/pale basics that I think should be in all wardrobes!
1. White Vest Top. This item is a key piece for a great Stardoll wardrobe. It is from Bizou and costs only 50SC's - what a bargain! It's a versatile piece and can be worn in pretty much all styles - tucked into a skirt, loose with jeans, with a jacket - there are endless possibilities for this gem!
"You're fat."
"You're annoying,"
"I hate her."
Sadly, these sayings are way to familiar in kids today. Physical, mental, verbal, cyber bullying is a devastating habit that's stealing the innocence of today's generation. Bullying is much more than words- it's something that can truly affect someone in a horrid way. As I was scrolling through stardoll, I noticed the user tokyocartoons was selling ' NO H8' designs supporting the NO H8 campaign to stop bullying.
- Hello, Stardollies! I'm vikkiVICIOUS & I'm vey pleased to announce that I'm the newest addition to the StarBlog team! :D I'm hoping to post a whole variety of things, from ideas on Stardoll to information in the real world and i hope you like it!
- Everybody starts with the same Stardoll suites, but the creative amongst us take it a step further. They paint their own style with perspective, and a little “luck,” according to SannySmily. Incorporating her casual style and preference for black and white, she created a suite that shows depth and taste. Her modern vibe keeps the room crisp without losing the warmth. This room would make the Bauhaus movement proud. Everything in it works together in a symphony of artistic form and function. The dramatic red accents give it a punch of vitality and imbue it with her own personal style.
- Hey dollies! Over the past year or so, I have noticed that many Stardoll members create extremely creative outfits, using random items. All of the outfits that I've viewed are saved on my computer. I actually saved them just to save them, because they were just so creative and inspiring. They've been saved for a while, and I have decided to share them with you, here, in the Star Blog.
مرحباً صديقاَتىِ بالطبْع كُلناَ لديّنا مُجوهراَت للشعْر و لكِن لماَذا نستخدِمهاَ بطريِقةٌ واَحِدةٌ ؟؟ أعتقِد أنكن لا تفهمن ما أقصِده ‘ لذاَ سأُوضِح قُصدىِ
مارأيكن فىِ هذاَ التاَج ؟ أأعجبكى؟
تعرفي على جميع الستار بلوغ الموجوة لدينا
أهم المشاركات المر…: "ملك الألوان"Sadaro7o
أهم المشاركات المر…: "عيد الاضحى المبارك "Arificent27
أهم المشاركات المر…: "التسوق"stararig
أهم المشاركات المر…: "الربيع"Salma!
أهم المشاركات المر…: "زيت جوز الهند"