- The2gLaMs
The picture you see above is what I will be using. Keep in mine that I will only be concentrating on her make-up and not her outfit or hair style. I hope you like it ♥
- The2gLaMs
- Elite-girl
- I've been looking ALL around stardoll for stardoll's hottest undiscovered t-shirt designers. I think I've stumbled upon one just the other day! His username is laia_fergusson_ he creates very innovative/trendy tops!
- Elite-girl
- hawiianbody
- ..Welcome Fall! Warm apple cidar, pumpkin patches, and lots of cough syrup.. the basics of Autumn. This fun season gives us more than just yummy foods and colds... the chance to rock some funky nail colors! The tredniest color for this season is a beige/nude nail. It contrasts nicely on all skintones, not to mention you can pair it up with nearly any outfit!
- hawiianbody
- amal.amam
كل بنت تحب تظهر بشكل حلو و أنيق وتكون حلوة بنظر كل ناس
كل وحدة منا تحب التجديد بشكلها وتطرير نفسها كل يوم
اليوم جبت لكم فكرة رح تستفيدو منه انشاء الله
اذا كنتي تحبين التجديد بمظهرك ماعليكي الا تغيرتسريحة شعرك كل يوم
لكي توفري نقودك ولا تصرفي كثير وتحصلي على تسريحات كثيرة
- amal.amam
- the.kewl.kid
- Hello, dollies! Many of us have to deal with dry or oily skin each day. Sometimes, we even break out which is no fun! For this reason, I've decided to share with you simple tips on how to get flawless skin and keep it! Results won't happen overnight, so give it some time!
- the.kewl.kid
- KimmyyRoxx
- Have you ever wondered- Is my bestfriend really a true friend or an enemy? Thats a thought. Thats why here I've made a list of positives to find in a true friend!
- KimmyyRoxx
- poohg_1993
- So Halloween is still roughly a month away, but from the looks of what you see in stores, it's never too early to get ready for the upcoming holiday!
- poohg_1993
- cooleypooley
As you can tell from the title, I recently interviewed the amazing Expelliarmus.HP! This interview is about her current and previous campaigns for MSW.
I'll be posting a second part to the interview shortly, so keep your eye out for it.
- cooleypooley
- Alamira.Mira
- اهلاً وسهلا بكم نجوم ستآردول
اليوم آتيتكم بموضوع جديد اتمنى ان ينال اعجابكم
وهو " الكاميرا " انها كاميرآ ستاردول التي نصور بها كل ماينال اعجابنا ونريد ان يراه الجميع او نضعه في الالبوم
- Alamira.Mira
- miss.Celeb
- مرحبا صديقات ستاردول
اليوم اردت ان اريكم دميه غايه في الروعه فقد قامت بتصميم دمى فنانات مشهورات
ووضعنهم بجانب دميتها اذا ابتكرت مودلات شبيهه
- miss.Celeb