- With the music came grunge fashions. Think plaid sweaters, checky shirts, ripped baggy jeans, grandad jumpers, old band t-shirts and generally anything laidback, old and comfy. Along with grunge came Riot Grrl, a kind of feminist movement within music that brought along it's own fashion which was brought to everbodies attention by the one and only Courtney Love (Singer and guitarist of Hole). Cute little babydoll dresses and pretty bows and heels were teamed with ripped tights, suspenders, messy hair and leather to form the more feminine (but equally as nonconformist) side of grunge fashion. Now-a-days there seems to be a big grunge revival in fashion going on with lots of leather, dark colours, velvet, lace and tartan, studs, rips and big heavy boots appearing in lots of shops and designers closets.
- I hope you enjoy this video and again this video is for anyone who wants to know my personal make-up techniques. These techniques can be used for your medoll or if you're old enough for yourself!
- The title of this blog entry is fairly self explanitary - All About Grunge! What is grunge you may be asking?
- Have you noticed how some celebrities have been adorning their manicured hands with "handlets?" Nicole Scherzinger, Rita Ora and Natalia Vodianova are some of the famous faces spotted with this interesting trend!
معنا اليوم مبدعة جديدة وهي صديقتنا
استطاعت ان تصنع أشياء جميلة في مجوهرات ستارديزاين نسخة طبق الاصل من قطع إكسسوارات ستاردول
تأملي معي صديقتي كم هي جميلة
اهلين صبايا
انا نانسي بنت مصرية عندي 19 سنة
وجدت اعلان لستاردول في احدي مواقع التصفح
ضغط كليك ودخلت الي عالم لم اتخيله في يوم من الايام
عالم مليئ بالاحداث والمفاجات
كيف حاالكم ؟.. لقد قمت بأختيار افضل دمى لاعرضها عليكم
عندما كنت أتفقد أجنحة عضوات ستاردول -- ها هى الدمى و اتمنى ان تنال اعجابكم
96192769 DEL
مرحبا أحبائي
اريد ان اقدم لكم صديقة متفانية في طلتها و التي راقتني جدا
فكانت مميزة في تسريحة الشعر و الماكياج ناهيك عن أزيائها الجميلة إنها
- Although fried foods are obviously never the healthiest choice, they are quite tasty, once in a while. :)
Hi Dollies, I just thought that I might give you all tips on making friends since I know how hard it is. Next year I'll be starting secondary school where you need to make friends and I'm sure that a lot of other dollies will be too so here are the tips:
1. Don't be scared to go over talk to people, just go over and say hi!
تعرفي على جميع الستار بلوغ الموجوة لدينا
أهم المشاركات المر…: "ملك الألوان"Sadaro7o
أهم المشاركات المر…: "عيد الاضحى المبارك "Arificent27
أهم المشاركات المر…: "التسوق"stararig
أهم المشاركات المر…: "الربيع"Salma!
أهم المشاركات المر…: "زيت جوز الهند"