Today, I'm doing a makeup tutorial, which I'm actually wearing right now! It's a very studio-esque (I love that word) look, and I was just inspired by the suites I explored, so here we go!
For the eyes I did the smoky eyes! I used a black eyeshadow.
مرحبا اصدقائي عندما كنت اتجول بالامس بين اجنحة العضوات في ستاردول
وجدت فتاة مظهرها رائع وبسيط فستانها ذو ألوان متناسقة مع تسريحة شعر أنيقة
و تاج صنعته من المجوهرات فهل عرفتم من هي
انها صديقة الجميع
While I was visiting (and voting) other medolls, I came across this doll. Her name is MaaySweet. and I love her style very much (Oh and the period after the Sweet is part of the username). This outfit was the one she was wearing when I came across her and it stood out to me.
- So I was watching a video earlier, and it had something like 'FREE SS JUST SEND ME YOUR PASSWORD ON MY SD ACCOUNT AND I'LL MAKE YOU SS FOREVER' or 'OMG EMPLOYEE CODE' I thought no one would buy that but I look down at the comments to see more than 10 people posting their information! - There is NO such thing as an employee code, and you cannot be SS for free by giving your password to someone you don't know, you will be hacked, and you will lose everything you have on your account forever - they might get their hands on your E-mail & other personal info. too :(
Here is a picture of the makeup I did on 'Signatures' beauty parlour, inspired by an Autumn look.
مرحــــــبا صديقاتي العزيزات بستـــــاردول
اليوم قصتي مختلفة فهي تذكرني بأشياء قديمة ، لا أقصد أن ما سوف أتكلم عنه من العصور الوسطى و لكنه تعود بي إلى ذكريات قديمة
فبينما أنا أبحث في صوري القديمة التي التقطها بستاردول
We all love the new LE Decor range currently avaliable in the suite shop but sometimes it can be hard to mix the most expensive taste with other accesories to create the perfect room. Today's post fetaures a stardoll memeber who I think has balanced both tastes to create the pretty, pink room seen in the photos. I hope you love this suite as much as I do!
Here is saso-star's suite!
- العديد من الفتيات (سواء في ستاردول أو خارجها) يحبون ستايل "الكاجوال" و أظن لأنه عملي أو قد يكون ذلك إعجاباً بشكل الملابس الكاجوال، وحتى إن لم يكن الكاجوال ستايلك فلا تستطيعين أن تنكري أنه ستايل فعلاً سوبر