

How to smile through a bad day

143 منذ أشهر

We all have those days, where we feel under the weather, blue, down or even depressed. Your hair isn't the way you want it to be. You just got some bad news, or just don't feel quite right.  

Here's a thing, EVERYONE feels like that once and awhile. Just look around you, the way you feel is something EVERYBODY goes through. But it's okay, it's alright. Here are some tips to make you feel better, even though you feel under the weather.

1. SMILE! Yes, it's that simple. Smile! Read a joke, watch funny YouTube video's, call up your friends! When you smile, and laugh! It instantly gives you a boost!   

 2. Get some fresh air! walk outside, even if it's just for a few minutes. Take a deep breath, and let it go. It makes you feel lighter. Walking in the early moring, with the sun rising can be pretty too! it gives you a better feeling about life!    

3. Take a long, relaxing shower or bath with some lavender oil, it's really good for your senses, and makes you feel alot better!    

4. Go out with your friends! Laugh, and have a good time! have a slumber party, listen to music together, go shopping! your friends (or family) can give you an extra confidence boost!     


Remember to stay strong! and turn your frown upside down! :)  

Love always, Ocean.

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