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MSW: Meet the Finalists

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Some true Stardoll fashionistas from US, Australia, Ireland and Great Britain tells us what it feels like to be a country finalist in Miss Stardoll World.

1. Congratulations, how does it feel to be one of the finalists?

2. Tell us a bit about yourself, why should you win?

3. What would you like to say to the people voting for


1. Unbelievable! I was so thrilled and shocked when I first saw my medoll with the other Australian finalist. I've spent so many hours creating rooms and searching StarBazaar for collectibles, its nice to have the hard work recognized by your staff and others.

2. In a perfect world I'd like to see see everyone win but there will be only one. I'd like it to be me as I've been a loyal Stardoll member since 2008, my suite hasn't happened over night its taken that long to build up. In my time on Stardoll I've never won any of the competitions (even though I have tried). If I were to win this one I would be happy to never win anything again.

3. Well for one the biggest thank you ever!! I couldn't win it without their support. Since becoming a finalist I've had such positive feed back about my suite in my guest book. Their are so many people out there who want to help encourage others to vote for me, out of nothing more then pure good will. If I win a thank you wouldn't seem enough, these people deserve recognition as well. Once again Stardoll thank you for choosing me.


1. It feels amazing, exciting, and honored to be a finalist and little weird because I thought I wouldn't have a chance to be one.

2. I am very nice, friendly, generous, I love to help people out, and I am not
afraid to speak my mind. And I should win because I think I have what it takes to be Miss Stardoll World.

3. Thanks You Sooo Much for voting and supporting me. I don't know how to express all my thankfulness to all you guys, but Thanks so much!


1. I would like to say first off that I am thrilled and excited to be a Stardoll World finalist. I am a children's librarian in real life and I work with kids of all ages from preschool to middle and junior high. I am honored to be nominated even though I am older than most
users. Alot of my Stardoll friends are young girls and I enjoyed talking with them through email.

2. I would like to be Miss Stardoll world because I love fashion. I also design and create my own beaded jewelry and sell quite alot of it. I could be a role model for some of the girls on Stardoll as well because I have age and experience on my side.

3. I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who has voted for me, I am really flattered. I also have enjoyed all of the emails and friend requests that I have received lately.Thanks again to everyone!


1. I feel really proud to be in the finals and a chance to be chosen to represent my country. Out of all the members just to be nominated is amazing.

2. I am 15, I have lots of friends on Stardoll. i joined 3 years ago and its totally amazing. I would love to win because I believe you have to be a good role model and I am always myself on here, I am helpful, kind and always there for my friends if they need me. I think the winner has to have these qualities.

3. I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who is kind enough to take the time to vote for me. I am thankful for having such wonderful friends. You are all winners too.


1. To me just being a finalist is winning.

2.  I am an adult and have been a member of Stardoll for several years. The ability to create, share and learn is something that is unique on Stardoll compared to other sites. Stardoll allows me to the opportunity to relax and have fun and reach out to younger members. I have learned so much about other countries and customs. I would like to win so that I can reach out to others to listen, play, and learn. People motivate and inspire me.

3. Win or lose is not the issue but giving to others is more important. Stardoll lets us all create an outer beauty but it is the inner beauty that we all possess that is most important.


1.  I am very excited!

2. Well my name is Lola and I have been a Stardoll fanatic ever since July last year! I spend hours on Stardoll every day and I am a very dedicated member. I have made lots of friends on Stardoll and are grateful for them all. I love Stardoll and am enjoying every minute of being on it! I would like if you could vote me Miss Stardoll World because I'm
dedicated to Stardoll and what it has to offer. I have been with Stardoll through lots of changes and finally am happy with this one and am ready to make my mark in it. It would be a great experience to be Miss Stardoll World and a experience I hope to have. I work on my Medoll and Suite all the time making sure they are ready for whatever competitions or other things Stardoll does.

3.  I would be very grateful if you could vote for me for my Medoll and Suite and how you would rate it.


1. It feels great! When I found out from one of my friends on Facebook, I was shaking with excitement! I couldn't believe it for one minute!! I am so glad I was picked to be a finalist.

2. I'm 13 years old and I come from Donegal in Ireland. I grew up in the country side and moved to the towns. I love music, acting and singing, and of course, I am the baby of my family. I would like to win because I would like to be a role model to young girls, and show them that it's not always about looks. I would love to win this competition, but if I don't, it's fine, I am just happy to be a finalist really!

3. I would like to say thank you so much for voting me, and I am so greatful,
and even if i don't win, I don't mind, I am just happy to be included and I thank them for taking the time to vote for me :) I love you guys!!!


1. It feels really great to be one of the finalists! It makes me feel happy to think that Stardoll were pleased enough with my page to put me through, and I feel like it's such an amazing opportunity, and a privilege! I know many people would love to be in this position, and that's why I'm not going to take advantage of it.

2. Well, my name is Rachel, and I'm twelve years old. I believe everything happens
for a reason, and I think I was chosen for this competition to learn something from the experience, and do well.

3. I just want to say, that it is, of course your choice who to vote for, and I'm not going to pressure anyone into voting for me. I think if I deserve to win, I will, and if people want to vote for me, that would be great, thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.


1. I only entered because I thought it would be a bit of fun, but I never thought I’d actually make it to one of the finalists. I’m thrilled.

2. Tell us a bit about yourself, why should you win? I’m 15, nearly 16 and from Ireland. I’m quite a hidden person. I don’t tend to show my emotions and how I feel as much as I’d like to, but what can I do? I like to think I’m unique as a person; a unique sense of style, a unique personality. I believe I should win because Miss Stardoll World should be a good role model, and I think I would be. I’m an active member or Stardoll and some clubs. I also own two clubs, which are quite active. I love meeting new people on here and making new friends, so anyone can add me. And I’ll reply to all guestbook comments or mails I get I promise.

3. Thank You to everyone that has voted for me, and anyone that is going to vote for me! I am really grateful that people are choosing to vote for me. Out of all the medolls I don’t think mine is the prettiest so it was a real shock when I found out I was a finalist. So Thank You to everyone that has voted for me. Your all awesome!


1. Being a Miss Stardoll World finalists means SO much! I was extremely excited when I realised I was a finalist and ever since I have found out I have been very happy and can't wait till we find out who is the winner of Miss Stardoll World!

2. I am just a typical girl, I love shopping, dressing up and of course STARDOLL!! Ever since I have joined Stardoll (earlier this year) I have come on every single day and am
constantly improving my doll and suite. I have also never won anything like this so I think it would be a great experience. I just love this game because you can really express yourself through fashion and can be as simple or as extravagant as you want to be!

3. I would just like to say to everyone that voted for me that I am so appreciative of your vote, it means so much to me and I just can not thank you enough. THANK YOU SO MUCH !


1.  It fills me with much gratification knowing that out of a thousand members, you chose me,  to become one of the finalists of Miss Stardoll World (Australia). When I first received a glimpse of the Miss Stardoll World Campaign page, I thought it a part of my abnormal however, realistic dream. I couldn’t believe that I am one of the finalists. Today, it has still left me flabbergasted and bewildered

2. Basically as stated on my presentation, my name is Jessica and I am a thirteen year old girl from Australia. I take pleasure in doing typical activities that a thirteen year old would generally do; such as: hanging out with my friends and family, reading a decent novel and being artistic/ imaginative! It has been a long ambition of mine to prove to all individuals across the globe that you can achieve just about anything if you try. I believe that it is always best to think positively despite the dreadful and remorseful times. I am acquainted with the fact that I am not a ‘perfect person’, so is everyone else; but I will put 110% into everything I’m assigned to and try to fix my flaws. Furthermore, my doll is far beyond the best on this website, but I think that this competition is not only supposed to be regarding one’s appearance. I think that what really matters, in fact, is not visible – it only lies through the blood and within the heart; I am definitely talking about my compassionate and optimistic personality. To be honest, I didn’t enter the competition for the fame; I desired to be the moral epitome representation of a human being and of course, a role model to all. I would be more than privileged to have this all-time dream of mine to be fulfilled. This is why I believe that I should win the title of ‘Miss Stardoll World’.

3.  I would like to show appreciation to all whom voted for me in the Miss Stardoll World
competition. I am befriended so many people along this journey. Thank you so much once again. Your support and enthusiasm has really motivated me in times when I didn’t even believe in myself.


1. It feels absolutely amazing. I just decided to enter the contest on a whim and never thought I would stand a chance but just the fact that I made it excites me!!!

2. I'm a pretty quiet, shy person who absolutely in love with fashion. It's my dream to become a fashion designer someday. People say that I'm a really great friend and know that I'll always be there for them no matter what. I think I should win because it would be my dream come true for one. But also, I'd love to give back to anyone who needs Stardollars by buying from their sales and anyone else who wants any help with anything. Already though just making it as a country finalist is great enough.

3. I'd like to say thank you, thank you, thank you. It truly means alot to me. Words cannot express how much this means to me.


1. I never in million years would have ever imagined being a finalist for the USA! I am so honored to have the opportunity to represent the USA, I feel like I won the lottery! I never expected to come this far, but it feels like a dream come true! T

2. When I found out I was a finalist, I literally jumped up and down yelling yes. I was so excited and amazed that I had been chosen for such a unique and rewarding experience. I would be so honored to represent the USA on Stardoll because I feel like I can empathize with so many of you! I am a really dedicated person, when I believe in
something I will work to achieve it and go the distance. Winning would mean the world to me!

3. Thank you all so much!! I can't even put into words how grateful I am for your vote!! I am so humbled by you all, I'm at a loss! You all are absolutely so amazing and I can't
even describe how much this means to me! Each and everyone of you are helping me make my dream come true and there are no words to describe how much that touches my heart! Thank you!


1. Surreal! I'm getting loads of people posting so many nice things on my wall, it's kind of overwhelming, but absolutely brilliant. I've met loads of great people. T

2. I've been on Stardoll for about six years (Guess that makes my doll an OAP!) and I've never seen anything as huge as this happen. It's amazing to even get this far - winning would just be icing on the cake. Although I'm going to be honest and say I would freak out at a years worth of Superstar!

3. Thank you! I would give each of you a stack of my home-made cookies if I could, but I've been giving out virtual hugs instead. It's just as well, my cooking isn't too great!
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