

Possible bunny sighting!

91 منذ أشهر

The Starblog has received exclusive information about the first possible sighting of one of the missing bunnies, Igor.

Stardoll snazzy.jazzy, who was first on the scene when news of the missing bunnies broke on Friday, sent us the above photo showing an Igor look-a-like munching on what appears to be an Easter feast.

"By all accounts, the Easter candy looks delicious," declared Inspector Cal, head of the investigation. "As soon as we saw the photo, we rushed out and bought enough Easter goodies for everyone who brings us a potential Igor."

When contacted by the Starblog, Fergie told us that she's certain the sugar-loving furball in the picture is Igor. "He's a real sweet tooth," she told us. "In fact, the only thing he loves more than sweet treats is a shopping marathon..."

Although the latest news is positive, Inspector Cal reminds dolls that there are still three other bunnies missing.

"This is a big operation, so organization is key," he grumbled. "We've decided to schedule the search in stages so that we're not running around after too many bunnies at once. We'll focus on Igor until April 13th, at which point we'll release more information about his missing friends."

Concerned dolls can find more information about the search schedule, along with other Easter updates, here.


