

Shout out to my friends on Stardoll

91 منذ أشهر


Stardoll is my favorite game. Ever. After being a member for almost 10 years, I can say that with certainty. While it offers us great fashion and the opportunity to achieve virtual fame, nothing, nothing is more important on this game than friends.

Through my years on Stardoll, I have made some pretty amazing friends. Some have left the game completely, but there are the ones that stayed and make my Stardoll experience pleasant. I mean, isn't it an amazing feeling waking up to a nice message in your guestbook from a friend, complimenting your outfit, wishing you a nice day? Having a friend who you can talk to about various topics and issues; having someone you can trust.

Now I want to give a shout out to my 2 best friends currently on Stardoll and why they make my Stardoll life better:



I have known her for a really, really long time. Even though we didn't get along so well at the beginning, now I am proud to call her one of my best friends here. She was there for me when I was going through some bad periods in life, and just talking to her makes my day better. Even though we don't talk that often because of her busy schedule, it is nice hearing from her every once in a while.



We've been friends for a while too, but started socializing more often recently. She visits me often, leaves a nice message, we discuss some things, or just have random small talk. Really nice, pleasant person, easy to talk to, and getting a message from her, even just wishing me a nice day/week, can really brighten my day.

While it is great having friends you can confide in, remember to be careful, you can never be 100% sure who is the person behind the username. So don't share or ask for too personal information or social media usernames - that is, besides unsafe, also forbidden on Stardoll.


~ Milena



