

Interviewing Stardoll: Starblogging

100 منذ أشهر

Hi dolls.

I know there are a lot of you on Stardoll who one day hope to become a Starblogger, or maybe you just enjoy reading our posts and want to know more about the Starblog in general.

I decided recently I would ask Stardoll some questions I had regarding all things Starblogging. Here are the answers to some of the questions I asked:

Who is in charge of adding the Starblogger's posts onto the Starblog?

We have a team of people that work with approving and scheduling the blog posts, each responsible for one of the five languages that are currently featured in the Star Blog.

When selecting a new Starblogger what is it you look for?

Potential candidates get short-listed and we check on them every now and then to see if they are still posting regularly. We think it's really important to assess if they are really passionate about writing and committed to their blog.

How often does a Starblogger have to post to continue being one?

There are no rules or fixed numbers. As long as the bloggers are providing good articles, it doesn't really matter how often they post. We understand that it can take time to come up with ideas, research and write a well thought out post. We would rather have quality over quantity (or frequency) any time!

How would you feel about other Starbloggers collaborating together on a post?

Great! Collaborations are always a good way to mesh different ideas and perspectives, so we're all for it.

Well dolls, this is the result of the interview I asked of the Stardoll staff.

Hope you enjoy this post and I hope it helps you regarding your own blogs!

~ Casey, x



